Monday, November 9, 2015

The effects of other's energy even if it’s been awhile

The effects of other’s energy even if it’s been awhile

Hi All,

Let’s run down some dates and talk some energy.

Wednesday the 11th is Veterans Day and it’s the New Moon. 

So this week the topic is energy and past people you have had relationships with who you may not have had contact with in some time and yet all of a sudden you are hit with thoughts, dreams, and signs that remind you of them. What the heck is going on?
Well let’s talk. It could be you. You, dwelling on the person, or maybe thoughts or regrets of not making things work with this person. It could be his or her higher-self seeking you out to test the waters for them to actually come back into your life to make contact. It may be time for you to really look at the relationship and take ownership for what you did in that relationship and then move on. The one thing I do know is, it is all hard.

This week I did a purging of all things connected to one person that I had left in my house. There wasn’t much. I got rid of a ring I purchased on vacation with the person(wasn’t expensive). Deleted phone numbers, photos, and emails I was hanging on to. Threw out two shirts I last wore while with the person. Got rid of any leftover gifts this person gave me. There wasn’t many as he never gave me much. Burned any notes he left me. What brought this all on? One day this week I got hit hard with his energy. I had a feeling something wasn’t right with him, I had a vivid dream of us together at his house talking and I don’t normally remember dreams. I haven’t thought of this person in a few months so it was disturbing to me that all of the sudden things would come up.

I went into the shop and discussed it with friends. I believe things happen for reasons and maybe this is a time to reflect on what really went on between the two of us. Why though is the link so strong? This is a question I cannot answer. But I have over the years I’ve known this person, discovered a few past lives we have shared and tried my best to heal them through past life regressions and sending reiki energy to the life event. I’ve tried severing cords, which I do daily, and then bless him and send love and light his way asking the angels to heal him. 

So what do you do when someone you connected with so deeply is out of your life and then out of the blue you are hit with signs or energy?

You can do a meditation to go back to the point in time when you met the person and talk to yourself about what you will experience with this person over the time the two of you share and was that for your highest good and how it is making you feel now at this point. Then give yourself a rose quartz and tell yourself you are worth more and that you deserve love from someone who will treat you better and love you unconditionally, then start carrying a rose quartz with you. This will remind you that your heart is free to accept love that is for your highest good and help you attract that unconditional love.

A friend of mine gave me a piece of black tourmaline. Black tourmaline helps to rid one and protect one from negative energy. Since I’ve been carrying this on me and having it by my bed at night there has been a world of change in just the days I’ve had it. Highly recommend it!

Now you can also do little things like put up mirrors around yourself in meditation reflecting this person’s energy back to them. You can meditate and bring in the higher-self with the person and have a talk with him or her as to why you are feeling the way you are and can he or she please stop sending out energy to you even if they aren’t sure they are doing it.

Cut your cords several times daily! Then burn the cord and cap it off in meditation so it makes it hard to reattach.

You can tell the universe when you have a thought about the person, that’s an interesting thought, how can this situation get any better than what it is now. Or you can say that’s and interesting thought, what would it look like if I had blah blah from whoever.

It’s going to take time. Purging left over things, I feel, helps as it gets rid of the energy that is attached to the item and leaves the door open so-to-speak for related energy to come in. By getting rid of them you are closing the door.

In the end you are responsible for how you feel. If you choose to let it all get to you and drag you down, then only you are responsible for that downer feeling. I know it is hard. I know it hurts. I can’t tell you any easy way to get done or when it will be done. I can just give you suggestions and we can all pray that it gets better. What I have described is not someone who is obsessed with someone else. I think what I have tried to describe is how to deal with a person that came into your life, made attachments, and for a reason left or maybe couldn’t deal with feelings. These suggestions are some ways to help you detach from this person’s energy and move forward. It’s never easy when someone we share life with and connect with on many levels leaves and then drops off the face of the earth then months later or sometime later you are hit with this energy that starts making you wonder if they are alright. You have a nagging feeling they are going through something life changing at the moment or something isn’t right and there is nothing you can do about it.

I am sorry I have no answers or easy fixes for this. It’s just lessons we all have to go through and some are way longer than they should be because for some reason some of us are thick headed and do not get it the first or second try with the person.
Food for thought, have an amazing week!

Blessings All,

1 comment:

  1. Life is not always easy, but we are all learning. Thanks for sharing with us.
