Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memoria Day Everyone!  Many Blessings!

Please teach your children what this day is about, the wars fought, the brave men and women who keep our freedom safe.

Blessings and Thank you to ALL that have served in our Armed Forces.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Cats...for the cat lover and non cat person.

Hi All,
Cats!  What?
Ok I wanted to write about the Celtic Tree Calendar but then I had a feeling I should write about my cat experience and some history and background about cats and their association to magic.

A few years ago I adopted a male kitten and then I had my husband and younger boys in the house.  The cat learned to play fight and randomly attacked you as you were walking around the house.  He could be a lover but only when he wanted a warm body to cuddle with.

When I was beginning to practiced Reiki my Master told me a cat would help balance the energy in my house and also help me with my energy.  So the above cat was the one I had my first cat experience with.  Needless to say he and I didn't get along.

Around Christmas this last year I started being bugged by cat visions and dreams.  I felt like I needed a cat.  Now you should know I am not a cat person.  I love animals but I didn't think after my first cat experience I would ever want another car.  Well I was looking online at shelters and saw a cat that was similar to the ones in my visions.  I wasn't convinced I had to have her.  We ended up with a puppy and that ended tragically when we found the puppy had parvo before we adopted.  A month later I was checking the shelter page and my black cat was still there.  I ended up adopting her.  She's been in my home and it has not been easy the last two weeks.  However, she is really coming out of her shell and I think she may finally like it here.

What a cat has done for me and my house so far?  Well I will not lie, my cat does not like my old dog.  I was hopeful they would get along and the cat would be a good companion for my old pup but maybe with some more time.  I didn't want my dog to feel alone when she can no longer get out of the house.  So other than the negative of not being friends with the dog the energy has changed a bit.

I feel like the house is more balanced.  More lived it.  More happy.  She has added love, and is a little comedian.  Again I am not a cat person or considered myself one, but this little cat is changing my view.  I did start Reiki with her and she sucked it right up so I am thinking she will turn into a great partner with Reiki treatments.  I am also looking into animal communication with her and seeing once she's comfortable here if that will open up.

So this kinda turned into a blog about why I got a cat.  Maybe it will open some eyes and maybe people will be like hell no.

Let's talk a little bit of interesting things.
Did you know The Goddess Freyja drove a chariot pulled by a pair of black cats?
If a cat had it's back to the fire it ment cold weather was coming.
If you find a black cat on your porch visiting it's not bad luck, its a sign of fortune to come.
Cats are very intuitive and can help with your magical practices.
Not only is a cat's pur a sign of happiness, but if a cat is laying on you and purring it is sending healing to that area of your body.

Here is a link of cats and witches
Here is another link I found about cats or pets helping your health.

I'll keep you posted as to my experiences with my cat and out Reiki practices.
My friend tells me to post they can be assholes.  lol.  Yeah a cat will rearrange your house.  Put up or in a cabinet all your favorite knicknacks that's for sure.

But seriously if you are practicing Reiki or energy work or the old ways, look into a cat if you do not have one.  They do help.
And black cats are amazing.

Next week I am looking into explaining the Celtic Tree Calendar but who knows that could change.
In June I have a ghost investigation planned so that will be coming up at the end of June and on Thriller Thursday that I think I will be bringing back once a month or so.

Have an amazing week all.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Meditation to keep up on your energy and other things....

Hi All,
Well I'm working on some new things in my world like Palm Reading.  I am also still working on the energy medicine stuff that my practitioner has given me as homework.

Sunday will be the full moon this month so manifest.

Ok this week I want to give you a meditation that I think we posted a few years back but since we've been walking 101 through the chakras I figured it wouldn't hurt to revisit and get you going.
I haven't been good at keeping up on my self treatments for Reiki and I think it's time I start getting back into it.  So as I find a routine maybe you will find one too.

Rainbow meditation handed down from my Reiki Master.

Set your space.  Make sure you will not be distracted.  You may need to turn off the phone.  Light a candle, play some music or do what ever it is you do to get into your meditative state of readiness.

See a beam of white light decending from the universe into your crown chakra, this is the powerful, healing universal white light of the Devine.  Pull the white light down through all of your chakras from your crown to your third eye.  See the white light, charge your third eye light of purple and see it shining bright.  Next pull the white light down to your throat chakra and see the light of blue shine bright.  Watch the white light as it desends to the heart chakra sending a brilliant pink light out.  Next pull the white light down and see it light up your naval chakra making the yellow light shine bright.  Continue to pull it down the the sacral chakra and watch as the chakra lights up a bright orange.  Lastly pull it down and push it out your root chakra, as you do watch the root chakra light up a brilliant red.  Then push the white light down into mother earth taking all your stress and debree with it.

Next It's time to start with the colors of the rainbow in order.  Start with Red.  See a bright red light shining down from the universe.  This is a spark of the devine light that will help you to clear and ground your energy.  As this brilliant red light descends from the universe and enters your body through the crown chakra feel the warmth it brings with it.  See this red light of the devine travel down through your body taking away any negativity and unwanted energy.  Watch as it travels through your neck and shoulders down through your chest, filling your belly and pelvis with warmth as it travels down through your thighs and legs and finally exits your body through your feet and travels down into mother earth.  Breath deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

See a bright orange light shining down from the universe.  This is a spark of the devine light that will help you to clear and ground your energy releasng any negativity in your energy field.  As this brilliant orange light descends from the universe and enters your body through the crown chakra feel the warmth it brings with it.  See this orange light of the devine travel down through your body taking away any negativity and unwanted energy.  Watch as it travels through your neck and shoulders down through your chest, filling your belly and pelvis with warmth and relaxing energy as it travels down through your thighs and legs and finally exits your body through your feet and travels down into mother earth.  Breath deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

See a bright yellow light shining down from the universe.  This is a spark of the devine light that will help you to clear and ground your energy releasng any negativity in your energy field.  As this brilliant yellow light descends from the universe and enters your body through the crown chakra feel the warmth it brings with it.  See this yellow light of the devine travel down through your body taking away any negativity and unwanted energy.  Watch as it travels through your neck and shoulders down through your chest, filling your belly and pelvis with warmth and relaxing energy as it travels down through your thighs and legs and finally exits your body through your feet and travels down into mother earth.  Breath deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

See a bright green light shining down from the universe.  This is a spark of the devine light that will help you to clear and ground your energy releasng any negativity in your energy field.  As this brilliant green light descends from the universe and enters your body through the crown chakra feel the warmth it brings with it.  See this green light of the devine travel down through your body taking away any negativity and unwanted energy.  Watch as it travels through your neck and shoulders down through your chest, filling your belly and pelvis with warmth and relaxing energy as it travels down through your thighs and legs and finally exits your body through your feet and travels down into mother earth.  Breath deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

See a bright blue light shining down from the universe.  This is a spark of the Divine light that will help you to clear and ground your energy releasing any negativity in your energy field.  As this brilliant blue light descends from the universe and enters your body through the crown chakra feel the warmth it brings with it.  See this blue light of the Divine travel down through your body taking away any negativity and unwanted energy.  Watch as it travels through your neck and shoulders down through your chest, filling your belly and pelvis with warmth and relaxing energy as it travels down through your thighs and legs and finally exits your body through your feet and travels down into mother earth.  Breath deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

See a bright purple light shining down from the universe.  This is a spark of the Divine light that will help you to clear and ground your energy releasing any negativity in your energy field.  As this brilliant purple light descends from the universe and enters your body through the crown chakra feel the warmth it brings with it.  See this purple light of the Divine travel down through your body taking away any negativity and unwanted energy.  Watch as it travels through your neck and shoulders down through your chest, filling your belly and pelvis with warmth and relaxing energy as it travels down through your thighs and legs and finally exits your body through your feet and travels down into mother earth.  Breath deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

If you are feeling a little light headed and need extra grounding take the time to be a tree and sink your roots deep into mother earth pushing your extra energy down into the earth so she can take it away.

Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thriller Thursdays

Hi All,
I love writing about spirit activity and I want to bring back Thriller Thursday but I need your help.  I need places around Wisconsin, The Twin Cities area of MN and I could go up into the UP of MI towards Houghton County as I have friends up there I can stay with should I road trip.
Email me your ideas and maybe your place will be on Thriller Thursday.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Crown Chakra

Happy Mystic Monday All,

Friday marks the Celtic Tree month of Hawthorn.

Hawthorn is the energy to call on when you need your energy cleared.  Hawthorn will help clear your mind of negative thoughts.  It will also help you to see a situation more clearly.  If you are short on patience call on Hawthorn to lend you some assistance.

The Crown Chakra
Today we are talking about the last chakra the crown.  It sits just above your head.  The crown chakra is white in color.  This is the chakra that keeps you most connected to spirit.  This is the first chakra that the universal white light will enter into your body from the universe through.
Clear quartz, moonstone, and any white or clear stone will help balance and cleanse this chakra.
This is the chakra that connects you to the Divine and help you with information from your guides and higher self.  If you are searching for enlightenment, this chakra will help bring you there with daily meditations.  This chakra is also about oneness and the awareness of we are all connected and what one does has an effect on others.

To clear this chakra see the white ball of light hovering just above your head.  Take a good look at it and notice any dull or dirty spots.  Pull down the universal white light and send a spark of it into the chakra to whirl around the chakra and clean it up.  When it is done send it on its way back to the universe.  You can also channel Reiki energy to the chakra to balance, cleanse and adjust it's speed so it is spinning normal and clear of any dull areas.

I know this blog is short today and pretty basic.  I am writing on Mother's Day as I always write on Sunday.  Happy Mother's Day late to all the moms out there.

I'm not sure what next week will bring for a topic.  Some haunted places to visit are coming in from people and I'm scheduling dates right now for Thriller Thursday's blog.  

Have an amazing week.

Monday, May 2, 2016

May and the Third Eye chakra

Hi All,

I think Wisconsin might finally be getting some sun.
I am looking for rumored haunted locations to check out to be the subject of Thriller Thursday Blogs. Email me with any ideas you may have.
Thursday this week is Cinco de Mayo if you are in the mood to party.
Friday the 6th is the New Moon.  Get your rituals ready.
May 14th I am booking appointments please email me if you are interested in Reiki or a reading.

Eau Claire was amazing.  I love doing expos and really need to book myself more for the next year.  I met so many wonderful people.  I did both angel card readings and Reiki.  I saw some people from the Hayward expo come down and say hi.  The day was filled with a combination of readings and healings.  I have learned some new techniques to put into my sessions.  I used a lot of Nemeton Energy this weekend.  Ivy, Pine and Broom were all huge energies that I called on with a few different people.
Readings were pretty much just people wanting guidance and nothing out of the ordinary.  I was kinda shocked since Beltane energy was building.  I thought there would be more crossed over loved ones.
Savannah Rayne made an appearance at the expo this weekend.  She came by for a reading and also had an amazing reading with Lisa from Sparks of Intention.  Here is Lisa's facebook link:
Savannah then came to New Richmond where on Sunday morning we did a Past Life Regression.  You will have to turn to her blog to see if she shared that experience.  I'm also scared as she was with all of us hanging out after the expo and we teased she should expose all of us and do an after the expo what psychics do blog......haha.

I have been introduced to working more with essential oils and will maybe write about that some time soon and post some of my favorites.  But as you all know I am a kindergartner when it comes to oils.

The Third Eye Chakra

The third eye is located in the middle of your forehead.  This is your psychic vision eye and the area where you gain communication from spirit and spiritual insight.  This is the area where you have visions, get psychic sight from your guides.  For me this is the eye I see crossed over loved ones with.  It is also referred to as the minds eye.  This chakra is one that connects you to spirit along with the crown chakra.
The third eye is purple in color.  Stones such as amethyst help this area balance.  I also once in awhile depending on the meditation will put moldavite on my third eye.  I have also used other purple stones in this area to channel clear visions.
Did you know if you are not currently practicing any psychic or spiritual abilities, you have to ask for it to happen?  You can do this with a prayer of intent stating that you wish to be able to communicate with your guides or angels or whoever it is you wish to be able to gain knowledge for your highest good from.  Some people recommend tapping on your third eye to awaken it when you are asking for your abilities to open.
As in prior weeks you can do the meditation stated last week to balance and cleanse this chakra.  After you cleanse and balance it I would then ask with a prayer of intent for your abilities to come through so you can develop them.  Remember to also give thanks for those guides that will help you open up to your abilities.

That is all for this week my friends.  Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,