Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Hi All,
I had a good question come in and wanted to share it.\
How do you protect yourself from a family member's negative energy or a friend's negative energy that is directed towards you?
Well there are a few things you can do.  You can protect yourself in general.

 Put up a bubble of white light around yourself to deflect any negative energy from the person.  If you can give the bubble the intent to protect you using the name of the person even better.  Going off this you can also visualize a circle of mirrors around yourself, reflective side out to bounce back the energy to the person that is sending it.

If random thoughts or feelings of the person come at you through out the day, you can create a bubble of white light put the person inside it and then release it the person to the angels asking the angels to heal the person for their highest good.

Wear protective stones with the intent that they protect you from so and so's energy.
Cut your energy cords frequently during the day.

Self Reflect on this.  Mediate.  Why do you believe the person is sending negative energy your way?  Are you fighting?  Can you mend the relationship?  What can you change in yourself to change how the person feels about you?
Some believe when we have negative feelings towards someone it is because they reflect back to us something we do not like in ourselves so that needs to be looked at.'

These are just a few things you can do.
Please feel free to share or comment on Mystic Monday's Facebook page or post comments here. 
How are the vision boards coming?  Mine is coming together.  Now I need to print photos and put it where I will see it every day.  I am using poster board.

Have a great week.
Blessings All,

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