Monday, February 8, 2016

Year of the Monkey and Lessons. New Year Outlook

Happy Mystic Monday!
Lots of things going on this week so let's get started.

Monday-Today- New Moon.  Get your list going.
Chinese New Year.  It's the year of the Monkey
The Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar.  This year will be a year of challenge and change.  It will also be a year of great opprotunity.  Great shifts will also be happening.  I hope this new year beings great blessings for you all.



I think that covers all the dates this week.

We have been talking about new age bullies.  Let's talk lessons since that can come up.  Lessons we plan for ourselves can be easy or very difficult taking years to finally get it or even life times.  The one think I think I finally learned is to let go.  I can't not control everything in my life and I need to be paritent with the outcome of what plan has been put in place.
Happiness is created from within.  That can mean a lot of different things.  But truely to be happy you have to be happy with being alone with yourself.  Once you are happy in your own space and self than can you share your happy with someone.  It's taken  me a long time to learn that lesson.  Now I'm waiting for the right one to come in and share happy and maybe enahnce it as well. 

I've brought up lessons because your lesson is yours to learn.  Other people around you might be able to see your lesson and even tell you but until you really get it yourself you will not hear them to make the change you need to actually get it.  It's yours after all.  Again this could take years or life times.  At times you may think ok this is the last time I am doing this with this person and low and behold they enter your life and you let them back in for whatever reason and the cycle begins.  Guess the lesson wasn't over.  But is it far to say then you're at fault and you had this crappy thing happen because your thoughs created it.  Well look at it like this  what have you actually learned?  Do you feel like you are done?  That's a loaded question that you need to answer when you are not angry over the situation. Because when you are fresh healing from the situation you're like yep I'm truely done.  Then the situation comes in again for you to deal and do you get it right and shut the door or leave the door cracked?  It's taken me 4 years of a cycle with a person for me to finally get it.  I can now look at the person and say "God I loved you, and now I just wish you happiness and that you find yourself, because nobody else can give you love or make you happy until you do for yourself."  I can look at this person without anger at myself or at him.  When you can look at your situation and be totally good you've gotten it and you're ready to move on.
Never get down on yourself or let someone get down on your for it taking as long as it did.  I think of it as this way now.  I went through those four years in repeat because I wasn't getting it and the person who was to come in and meet me wasn't ready to yet.  So even though right after I looked back with anger and was like OMG I wasted how many years loving this person unconditionally, now I can look back on it and say OK I had a contact with this person to love and I learned blah blah but most important I wasn't wasting my time because I was getting to a place I needed to be in for another door to open.  Four years ago, that door wasn't even an option.  Does that make any sense?
I hope so.

So yeah you do kinda of create a situation because you planned it on the otherside for yourself to learn. However, sometimes crap just happens and we deal from it an learn.  We may not know why we are dealing with it at the time but you will.  Then eventually you look back after you've healed and you're like yeah OK that was not smart of me because of a,b, c and what not.  Or yeah he was really not a good person because I can see now how I was being treated.  It's different when the rose color glasses come off and you look back and see the patterns you were stuck in.

With that, I hope I've left you with something to think about. No worries you'll get what you are supposed to in the time you are supposed to.  Your good friends will never tell you it's your fault , yes they will get sick of listening but continue to do so and they will roll their eyes because you are telling them the same tale for the 100 time as you let it happen again but they will support you and understand.  

Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,

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