Monday, September 28, 2015

Autumn Energy & Severing Energy Ties

Hi All,

Happy Mystic Monday to everyone! Did you see the moon last night?

Amazing right?!

Let’s get started with some dates:

Wednesday September 30th Celtic Tree month of Ivy begins. Ivy has kind of adopted me I think and has become a totem for me. I call upon Ivy a lot to help ground me, to pull out any unwanted energy and to wrap myself in healing earth energy. This plant is truly amazing.

Saturday October 3rd, I will be at the Enchanted Boutique in White Bear Lake doing Angel card readings. Call 651-600-3769 to book your appointment or go online to the Enchanted Boutique’s site to schedule. 

October 23rd is a Friday night and Jenny has asked me to help her out with the Ghost Investigation class she is teaching. The class is $50.00 and you will learn how to use basic investigation equipment and we will be field tripping to put your new skills use. It will be a safe environment where Jenny has investigated in the past so no worries. 

October 24th I will be at the Enchanted Boutique for a Mystic Monday book signing. Stop in pick up a copy and I will sign it for you! I will also do readings as they are requested.

So is everyone felling a little off? Well remember we did just get hit with equinox energy on top of a full moon and a lunar eclipse. It’s only normal to feel like you’re in a cloud with all that coming at you energy wise. Remember to ground and if you need more help wear grounding stones (gray, black, red or hematite) to help you keep your connection to earth. I have been putting two grounding stones in my pockets to help out. 

Fall is a time of year when things start to wind down and settle into the rest period that winter is. Just like doing some spring cleaning it’s not a bad idea to clean out the energy from the summer and recharge yourself to get ready for the fall. A good house energy clearing is an awesome thing to do. I start in the basement, open windows so the old energy can escape. I light Palo Santo and get it to smoke pretty good then fan the smoke to smudge the area. I do this in every corner and every room. Then I work my way up to the main floor of the house opening windows as I go so lower vibrating energy can leave. I usually say a prayer of intent to keep only the energy that is for my highest good in and only allow that energy to enter my home. All the guides of my family are welcome. When I am done with this I will bless a bowl of salt that I have mixed with some protection and higher vibrating oils such as lavender and lemon. Then walk clockwise around the house as I spread the salt. I end at the starting point of my door that is used at the entrance to the house.

Let’s shift brains now!

Have you ever heard of an energy relationship? This is when you are physically in a relationship with someone and that relationship ends for some reason and then you just can’t shake the person in the non-physical realm. This is when that person pops into your thoughts when you haven’t been thinking of him or her. Or when you are out and about and the universe sends you things to make you think of that person. Now some of this is you and for you to take responsibility for but some is them. The person might be getting his or her feeling met by you because you are in a relationship or it feels like a relationship on other non-physical levels. Dreams can be a big one. What can you do? Well you need to get into a meditative state and look at yourself and the person who you are in an energy relationship with and see where there are silver energy cords tying both of you together. Then you need to have a good heart-to-heart talk with the other person’s higher self and tell them why you are severing the cords between you two. At this time you can set boundaries of how you would enter into a physical relationship which would lead to an energy relationship with this person again, but only if they do whatever it is you are asking. So then pull the cords out of your Chakras and not only cut them but cap off the end somehow and send them back to the person that connected. You may have to burn the end to cap it or put a metal cap on the end. Once this is done you are freeing your heart from the person and letting him or her go. You are then free to find love or whatever in a different person. This may bring the person to you physically so make sure you have your boundaries of what it is you will be expecting from him or her going forward or game off no relationship. 

Now here is the important homework with this. You need to cut cords every time you feel or see something that reminds you or makes you think of that person and send the energy back to them.

This is not going to cause karma for you as you are taking care of yourself and ridding yourself of something that is not healthy for you.

Well, today I threw a lot at you for thought or practice. If you have questions please drop me an email to ask or comment here and I will answer as quick as I can.

Have an amazing week!

Blessings All,

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