Monday, September 19, 2016

Happy Mabon/Fall Equinox and Stuff

Hi All,
As I look at my calendar it seems Mabon or Fall Equinox will be arriving Thursday September 22, 2016.  I can't believe it is already here.  Where has the year gone?
Mabon is the 2 of the harvest fests.  This is a time of year where we "reap what we sow".  If you think about living off the land. This is a time when crops are harvested and in storage or being put into storage for the long winter months.  Fall Equinox is also a time when the day and night are balanced in time.  This is a great day to take time to find some balance.  Honor this day by reaping what it is you have been working so hard on.  However you choose to celebrate have a blessed day.

As all my friends know I am a junk food junkie.  I eat pasta and pizza, when we go out I have a burger, fries and a beer.  I rarely eat fruits and vegetables.  In fact the only veggies I really eat are just the basics.  Corn, carrots, beans, peas, stuff like that.  Fruits same, bananas, apples, grapes.  Well I figured now that I am getting older and my body is changing it's time to clean my act up.  I have been on a 21 day purification program.  I am only day 5 into this and for the first 10 no protein and no carbs.  Only fruits and veggies.  Yeah,  Well day one I was horrible.  Headache all day.  Hungry all day.  I was kept alive on my shakes (nasty) and the basics that I like, however, no corn.  Can't have it on this program of retraining your body what to eat.  Ok so I read some reviews and the Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program people have said is hard until day 3.  So I held out to day 3.  I would say day 4 was easier than 3.  Day four I wasn't really hungry, I was looking for fruits to eat and some veggies.  I cooked black beans for the first time.  Hey, I don't cook so that is a huge first for me. I also went shopping this weekend and bought some stuff to try out to make in advanced to take to work.  I roasted Chickpeas, which are my new favorite snack.  I cooked french onion soup.  Who knew I could actually cook something with taste!  I have lost 4 pounds so far.  But better yet I am being introduced to good for you foods that I would have never eaten.  My energy level is up and I am sleeping deeper.  I will continue to let you know how this goes for anyone out there is thinking about a life change in the food department.  Believe me if I can do this, then you can if you chose to.

This past week I have noticed a change in energy.  Past experiences or memories of people I was once connected to have come forward again.  It just dawned on me, of course it would because Mabon energy is hitting.  Again this is a time for reaping what we sow.  People that have left my life or yours have done so for whatever reasons.  But with those memories or seeing reminders of those people maybe with the energy of Mabon we should be looking at it as what did we learn from that experience or person who was in our life.  At that time in our life, what is the thing we are reaping from that situation or relationship?   We also talk about the balance of the day with day and night being the same length and it is a good reminder of bringing balance back to my life or your own life as well.  Maybe it is finding a new balance to life.  Who knows.  It will all work out as it is supposed to when it should, Right?

Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,

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