Monday, October 24, 2016

Dates, Reading of the Week and a Little More.....

Hi All,
I need to start out by saying that I am very bummed that I cannot figure out a way to get these EVP's to work here on the blog.

So let's just get on with the blog this week.

This week on Sunday the 30th we have a new moon.  
Monday next week is Halloween or Samhain which we will talk about in a bit.
Tuesday November 1 is All Saints' Day.
Saturday the 6th is daylight savings time.  Awesome!

Card Reading for the Week:

This week I went back tot he Healing with the Angels deck.  Interesting lay out this week.  Lots of different things going on for many of us that kinda goes long with Samhain and the beginning of the Wheel of the Year.

Friendship was the first card that came up.  In this card we see three little angels surrounded by music a pair of doves and another bird on the branch all by itself.  Although the friends are all together they are all doing different things.  The one in the middle doesn't seem interested at all in music as she is sitting with a bow and arrows while the other two are reading music.  This card is about your friendships and some moving out of your life as your taste changes so to speak.  When you start to raise your vibrations with healing work or getting into what spirituality means to you, you start attracting like minded people and letting go of some that may not be in line with what you are working on.  It's all good changes in friendships are a natural cycle.  

The next card is Self-Acceptance.  Here we have an angel alone looking at the flower.  This card can mean a few things.  First, stop being to hard on yourself for what you believe are your flaws.  You are loved as you are by your spirit team and should look at yourself though their eyes.  Not always easy.  Be honest with yourself yet not over critical or harsh on yourself for how you feel about your body, mind or spirit.  Self-Acceptance comes with loving yourself as you are.  When you learn to love being you and with your own company than others will flock to your energy.  So in general stop being so hard on yourself.

Power.  This card is about coming into your power.  You see in this card the angel with what looks like storm clouds behind her and she is blowing out what could be the wind of change.  Her right hand is manifesting what looks to be this storm of change.  Know that you are safe during this time of stepping into your own power and making changes to your life.  In the book that comes with the deck it says to give the angels your fears about coming into your power and use your power with love.

Healing.  In this card there is an angel who is playing with a woman's hair as she sleeps in the lap of the angel knowing she is loved and supported. We heal through sleep.  Listen to your body when you feel run down and needing more sleep.  Also if you look at the background of this card they are laying around trees and there is water maybe a river or a pond.  Nature is the perfect place to check out of a busy life and heal.  The trees and water will help you relax and heal your spirit.  
In the book it says this card shows you that a healing has occurred and it is now time for you to let this worry go and be healed from it.  When I read this card for people I usually see this as a situation in which the person is going through a healing.

Romance is the next card.  So once you've gone through all this Romance will be the outcome.  For those of you who are not in a relationship this card tells you that a romance is in your future.  So listen to your inner guidance so that you are in the right place to meet this person.  Your angels will bring the two of you together so there is no need to go looking.  
If you are in a relationship this could mean a renewed sense of romance in the relationship.  

A few different things happening in this reading but all and all it comes together.  It also can go hand and hand with Samhain and the energy.


I am just going to remind you that this day is the beginning of the Wheel of the Year.  A very powerful night celebrated throughout the world.  A night to honor crossed over loved ones.  A 24 hour time in which the veil between the worlds drops and communication is easy.  Be on your guard, noises you hear through out your house my be someone trying to communicate.  Because this is a time of death and rebirth it is a great day to put in the past all that has happened this year and to start a new year and move forward into a more positive you.  Celebrate and enjoy!

Have an amazing two weeks.  Mystic Monday will post after Halloween as it falls on Monday.
Blessings All,

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