Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Nemeton Energy System ~ part 2

When Wendy asked for my help with the system that would become Nemeton Energy Reiki and then evolve into Nemeton Energy System I was really inspired to work.

Tree energies have always resonated with me and given that I live in Shropshire in the UK a former Druid domain it was lovely to work with the Groves.  During my research I was introduced to the Goddess Nemetona, she being the Goddess of Sacred Spaces, and Groves. These Nemetons, sacred groves and spaces exist everywhere and in every culture, we each have a personal Nemeton inside us. That sacred quite part of our Spirit into which we retreat when seeking sanctuary from the concerns of life.

Trees have enormous energy which we may with permission draw from. Each tree has a different signature and also governs a particular month in the Celtic Tree calendar. My own personal favourite is Beith, the Birch, in times past Beith was decorated with ribbons of red and white on Midsummer Day to deter witches. Birch brooms were used to cleanse old energies and negativity from homes ready to receive the New Year. Birch rods were traditionally used to “flog” wrong doers in the belief that their wicked ways would be cleansed.

The Beltane Maypole was also usually a birch pole, for its links to fertility.

The Nemeton Energy Facebook page is kept updated with a tree of the Month, we are currently under the energy of the Ash, also called Nion in the Celtic Calendar. In Norse mythology Ash is the World Tree Yggdrasil, mystical and associated with healing.  Ash is seen as the Feminine balance of the Oak tree.

What tree are you particularly drawn to? If you cannot go out into nature to sit beneath your totem tree then find a quiet space in which to meditate on the image, feel your roots sinking deep into Mother Earth, sense your branches reach up for the sunlight and allow your spirit to become one with the energy, if you are able to go outdoors, sit back against the trunk and ask permission to join your energy with your tree, feel the sap flow, the leaves draw in energy from the sun and the roots taking up water and nutrients from the soil. You will feel the strength and wisdom of the trees spirit and perhaps guidance on your sacred journey. Always offer thanks to your tree spirit before breaking your energetic link.

I like to leave a “cloutie” a piece of cloth or ribbon which is tied to the tree, it can be your prayer and a gift to the tree for sharing its energy and wisdom. Many sacred springs and wells have cloutie trees close by, and at Chalice Well Garden in Glastonbury such ribbons are frequently left on the trees. 

I have trees in my own garden and when I want to leave a prayer for someone I write it on a ribbon and tie it to my apple tree and ask that the prayer be sent on the wind, it’s something akin to a Tibetan prayer flag. 

Love and Light,
Vicky MacLean
Reiki Master Teacher, Nemeton and Ishtar Practitioner, Light worker.

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