Monday, July 18, 2016

Happy Mystic Monday! Vampires, Cloud Busting, Time Stopping and More...

Hi All,
This week we are going to explore a few things you can accomplish or just play with as you are working with the energy that connects everything that is on our planet and in our universe.

Now I'm going to put a disclaimer and say to remember harm none and so mote it be.  If you do negative then negative will come back to you.  Just keep that in mind.

Dates this Week:
Tuesday the 18th is the Full Moon!  Use the moons energy at it's peak to help you with manifesting or bringing projects or things into fulfillment.  Time to go out to your fire pit and burn your intentions of what you would like to bring into your life.

This week I've had some request about this and that.  So here it is.
Cloud Busting

Picture this if you can.  You are outside on a warm day.  You have a blanket and spread it out on the lawn or by your favorite lake and lay down on your back looking up at the sky.  The wind is blowing just a little to provide a cool breeze on this comfortable day.  You look up to the sky and see fluffy white clouds passing you by at a crawling speed.  There are big ones and small ones.  It takes you back to your childhood and you start picking out shapes of cars, dogs, dragons, boats and anything else your mind can come up with.  But how about if you could break one up and make the sky blue in it's place.  Simply erase a cloud.  Would you?  Could you?  You can.  Try it.  Start small so you know how your body is going to react if it does and then you know what to look for next time you try.  For me the first time I had a major headache after.
So pick your cloud.  Then I usually stare at the cloud and make my eyes go soft while looking at it like when you do one of those old Magic Eye posters.  Now what I do is look at the cloud and then begin to erase it with my mind like and replace the space with the blue sky.  When looking at a cloud I pull the sky color with my mind to cover the white of the cloud until the cloud is gone.  Another way to do this is use your eyes to look at the area of the cloud you are going to start with to break it up and erase it.  I've used the power symbol with Reiki to help me bust up a cloud before as well but I had to exchange energy with the cloud to break it up and erase it.  You can also imagine a big eraser wiping out the cloud and then replacing the area with sky blue as you erase.  Try it and see what you can do.

Stopping Time:

OK really this is more like bending time so you can make it where ever you are going on time.  When I'm running late and I know I am never going to make it on schedule I use this.  But since I'm always an early person I don't do this too often.  But you can bend time so that you can arrive on time.  I did this once with a friend in the car.  We had gone shopping on our hour break from work and we were stuck in a bit of traffic after we left the shop a little later then we should have to get back on time.  I just focused on the clock and then asked that I arrive back to work at say 1:30 on time.  Then I wrapped the car in a bubble of white light and we continued to drive normal.  My friend was like there is no way we are making it back on time we are going to be so late and she was getting a bit upset with me.  But we pulled into work with a minute to spare.
Now I've also been told to do this you can visualize yourself arriving to your destination on time and you will get there.  Another way I've heard this done is to see your car in a tunnel getting to the place you are gone on time.  The tunnel pulls your car to the end on time and at your destination.
So you can play with that a little too and see which one works for you.


Here I am going to talk a bit about the energy vampire.  This week I did an emergency session for a close friend and I'm going to share a little because it involves an energy vampire that she works with.  In this case the person wasn't just taking her energy the person left nasty energy to continue to take her energy while this person what away from her.  My friend called to tell me she had been real tired and irritable and could figure out why.  She said that one person at work had been wearing on her and she just couldn't shake feeling drained after a few talks with this person.  So as we were talking I was being shown a big snake like creature that was attached to her and feeding on her energy.  I had to do a distance session that night and use several different energy tools to sever it and replace her energy with Reiki to get her feeling better.  The next morning she text me saying she felt lighter and had slept great.  Now it's not easy to get rid of a person like this and breaking the connection can be difficult depending on the length of time and the relationship.
So here are some tricks to help you protect your energy.

Cut your energy cords.  We have gone over this in past blogs.  You can also find out how to do this in Mystic Monday the book.

Carry or wear gemstones or stones that are for protections.

Wrap yourself in a bubble of white light.

Smudge yourself with Palo Santo or Sage and hold the intent to release whoever it is that is attached.

Burn essential oils to help raise and clear the energy in your home and yourself.

Call on Arc Angel Michael.  You can call on AA Michael to cut energy cords that bind you to people but make sure you ask for him to do so in all directions.  Left, right, front, back, top and bottom.  If this is a person you may have shared past lives with it's a good idea to add through all space and time.

If after doing this you still feel the effects of this person, I suggest really taking a look at yourself to make sure that you are the one that is severing and not putting back ties to this person.  Also, I would suggest going to a energy worker such as a healing touch or reiki practitioner to help you with this.  I know I can do some of the work on myself but I can't always feel that I've worked on myself so if I have someone else work on my to remove stuff then I know it's gone, and if it reattaches like some toxic people can, then I know it is more or less me making the re-connection and I have to look at myself for the reason and heal it so I can move forward free from the person.

Have a great week.  If you have ideas for the blog with a topic or a place please email me.
Blessings All,

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