Monday, November 14, 2016

Super Moon and Card Reading for the Week.

Hi All,
I'm sorry this is going to be short. I am down with a virus of some kind.

There are no dates to discuss for this coming week.
Sunday was the Super Moon in which the moon with be the closest it has been to the earth in almost 70 years.

Card Reading for the Week:
This week I have gone with the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

We start with Aengus Twin Flame Card.  When this card came up I hear the words "look at it a different way" .  Now when this card comes up the usual way to look at it is that this card is confirming that the person you are asking about is the one you should be with.  But to look at it differently let's spin it.  Twin flame love is about intense feelings that are instant and love is deep between the two.  This is what is known.  It is also a relationship where the two may not end up together if they don't clear out their emotional baggage so that they can be together and understand each other.   When I went to the book on this one the interpretation that stuck me most was this one "Keep your heart open, stay positive, and follow your guidance to manifest your prayers about your love life".  

Stay Focused  Kuthumi
Keep to your intentions, priorities and stay your course.  In this process keep your integrity and your truths.  Keep a positive outlook on your dreams so they can manifest.

Nurture Yourself  Mother Mary
Huge this time of year.  We have been very stressed out and we are coming into the holiday season that stresses people out even more. It is very important we remember to take a few minutes a day or whatever time we can find for ourselves. It is not selfish to do this.  If you do not take care of you, you cannot take care of others.

Detach from Drama  Pallas Athena
Sometimes easier said than done.  But really focus on you and your immediate surroundings and deal with that.  Drama is easy to get caught up in, but what happens when you do?  Do you get stressed out?  What is the purpose of the drama or the person that is creating it?  Step back from drama and you will find your energy in a much better place.

Listen  Manjushri
"Take time to listen to your own guidance." (from the book included with the cards)  Listen to your heart and your breath as you quiet your mind to hear your inner voice when you ask a question.  Trust yourself.

It has been a crazy high stress week with a lot of Hate thrown in here in the US.  I am not going to get on a soap box at all.  I just want to say let's give this a chance.  I know there was a lot of hate said, I know a lot of people were hurt by the hateful things that both Hillary and Donald said and that those hateful words caused a lot of fear.  Fear that is real to many on so many levels I can't understand.  But I do see how the Hate is effecting people I care about.  Nothing good can come from fear and hate.  I am not sure what needs to be done.  All I can do is speak for myself.  I am focusing on sending healing prayers to our nation and prayers of guidance to our leaders.  I hope that by sending good vibes in the form of prayers or Reiki to help shift the energy to positive it helps.

Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,

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