Winter Solstice Blessing to You All!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Monday, December 12, 2016
Last Blog of the Year
Hi All,
I have so much going on around the holidays that this is going to be the last blog until after New Years.
I have so much going on around the holidays that this is going to be the last blog until after New Years.
Dates to get you to 2017:
Tuesday this week it the Full Moon. Do your rituals.
YUCK! Monday the 19th Mercury goes into retrograde until January 8th! UH.
December 21st is Winter Solstice/Yule
December 22nd Thursday Celtic Tree Month of Elder ends
December 24th Christmas Eve Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins
December 25th Christmas Day and Hanukkah begins.
December 29th is the New Moon
January 1 New Years!
Reading of the Week:
This week I used Healing with the Fairies Deck.
Look Inside Yourself: All that you seek is found within yourself. Spend time in meditation or quiet time so that you can listen to your inner voice that will help you find your answers.
Financial Flow: Your finances will be moving up a level. All your hard work manifesting has paid off.
Parenting and Children: By drawing this card you are asked to fess up to any hurt feelings with a family member and make it right. If you are the one hurt speak your truth so you can heal.
Trust Your Intuition: The hardest thing is to trust your gut feeling sometimes. But this card is telling you to do just that. Now is not the time to ignore your gut feelings, your nagging inner voice or however your intuition gets you to pay attention. Act on what you are being told or guided to do.
Raise Your Standards: You are worth so much more and deserve so much more than you are currently living or doing. Raise the bar. Manifest what it is you desire in your life and you shall not be disappointed.
That is it for this week and this year. Thank you all for an amazing year with Mystic Monday. I am currently working with the group, some students and a re-write of the book.
Stay tuned to find out what the new year will bring.
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Yule! Happy New Year!
Blessings All see you back in 2017!
Monday, December 5, 2016
Reading of the Week
Hi All,
There are no dates this week to discuss.
This week I figured we would change things up a bit and use the Fairies Deck.
Visualization: Visualization is a tool of manifestation. The fairies ask you to spend a few minutes a day visualizing yourself happy, healthy and living in abundance.
Trust Your Intuition: This card is telling you to pay attention to your gut feelings. If you feel you need to be somewhere or if you have the urge to call someone. Follow that guidance and do so.
Problem Resolved: A problem you have been working on is coming to terms. You will soon have feelings that the issue has been healed that the universe has worked out the solution.
Kick Up Your Heals: This is a time for celebration.
Body Movement: In short get off the couch and out of your routine and move your body. Do some cardio, life some weights, take a yoga or dance class.
So this week another pretty positive reading. All about learning to trust your higher-self and the universe or higher power.
The Monday before Christmas will be the last Mysic Monday until after the holidays.
Have a great week.
Blessings All,
There are no dates this week to discuss.
Reading for the Week:
This week I figured we would change things up a bit and use the Fairies Deck.
Visualization: Visualization is a tool of manifestation. The fairies ask you to spend a few minutes a day visualizing yourself happy, healthy and living in abundance.
Trust Your Intuition: This card is telling you to pay attention to your gut feelings. If you feel you need to be somewhere or if you have the urge to call someone. Follow that guidance and do so.
Problem Resolved: A problem you have been working on is coming to terms. You will soon have feelings that the issue has been healed that the universe has worked out the solution.
Kick Up Your Heals: This is a time for celebration.
Body Movement: In short get off the couch and out of your routine and move your body. Do some cardio, life some weights, take a yoga or dance class.
So this week another pretty positive reading. All about learning to trust your higher-self and the universe or higher power.
The Monday before Christmas will be the last Mysic Monday until after the holidays.
Have a great week.
Blessings All,
Monday, November 28, 2016
Psychic Children and Abilities...Reading of the Week.
Hi All,
How has your week been going?
It's been pretty crazy with Thanksgiving and all.
How has your week been going?
It's been pretty crazy with Thanksgiving and all.
Dates this Week:
Tuesday November 29th is the New Moon. Remember is to do your ritual.
Card Reading for the Week:
OK here we go. Pretty positive things in this week's cards.
Flow of Prosperity: There is no need to worry about money problems. Your prayers with money have been heard. Focus on the abundance of instead of lack of in the form of worry. When you put worry out into the universe remember that is what the universe will kick back. Spin it by thanking the universe for what you have and put out there that everything bill wise is paid in full. This will attract a way to make all that happen.
Work Your Magic: Use your abilities to help you in your current situation. You have the ability within you to resolve what it is you are asking about.
Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation:
OK for some reason I am feeling like a lot of us are burnt out in our careers or the direction in which our lives have gone. We need to look at it in a different way and think about what we have gained on this path.
The book says every opportunity is a lesson to grow. When you curse a situation you block it's energy flow and things fester and grow worse. If you see the blessing than supportive and healing energy can flow to you. This card is coming to you because you need to find the unseen blessing in the situation. Some of that paragraph is copied from the book that came with the card deck. Some is paraphrased.
Meditate: Yep OK I hear this one. I so need to get back into a few minutes a day. This card is a wake up call to get back into practice because your mind, body and spirit need this time. It doesn't need to be a formal meditation. Just sit quietly and focus on your breathing and relax.
Clear and Shield Your Energy:
Huge for this time of year. We are out shopping with crazy people looking for deals bumping into them and all the chaos that goes with the Christmas Holiday Season. Remember to clear your aura frequently and shield yourself so that people can't become energy vampires and suck off your energy.
This week I wanted to bring up being different as a child. But I'm not sure where to go with this because it can be a huge topic. Children are very open to the other side until they start talking to friends and family about their experiences and figure out not everyone is able to do what they are doing. Mom may not see grandpa standing there trying to tell her something. A child may be sitting on a couch having a conversation with and imaginary friend who to them is sitting right there and he or she sees the person just as if that person was in a physical body. Maybe the child is an empath and sucks up all the emotions that surround him or her. This can be difficult because the child may not know why they feel anger or sadness or are just hyper with joy.
As such a child I think the worst thing is turning it off. This can happen with a family that has no idea what is going on and chalks everything up to cute he/she has an imaginary friend. Perhaps parents or one parent doesn't believe in ghost or psychic abilities. My son has turned his abilities off because he does not believe in being able to communicate with the dead, angels or guides. I feel bad because one day his abilities are going to slap him in the face with a huge wake up call and he will be forced to deal with being different I feel.
Parenting a child with abilities is difficult. The first step is being OK with you child being different. Next you have to figure it out. What are the abilities that are coming out? Start reading up and researching abilities and how to foster them if your child is OK with working through it with you.
Start simple. Teach meditation, grounding, clearing one's energy and shielding. The basics are important for future situations. Protection is a skill that will be used daily. If you are not able to teach your child then research people out there who can help.
Speaking from experience I was one who shut my abilities down and had to work very hard to get them back. I was a child who was very afraid of the dark and places I could feel had a trapped ghost. I had no clue about hands on healing or prayer healing and that it could actually work. I had no explanation as to why I could heal animals with prayer or later in life why my son recovered from a minor illness over night because I was fearful of him being sick and prayed to Mother Mary for a speedy recovery. I remember asking childhood friends about seeing things or healing and being made fun of and that folks is when it all shut down. After being called baby enough by classmates for being an emapth on top of all my abilities that it was time to shut my mouth and lean on prayer to calm my fears. I don't remember how many times I said the Hail Mary to fall asleep because I was afraid. It wasn't until I was in high school and then college I started reading books on crystals and healing with them. Reiki training came later in life. Reiki explained a lot to me as I gained knowledge I understood what I was doing when I was a kid.
Sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off knowing I was just different and not a baby or a freak child and could have learned skills growing up to help me understand.
Every child is different. Sometimes I think maybe being older was better so I could understand but then I wonder how much fear could have been put to the side and never felt because I would have understood and had knowledge to protect myself.
If your child had abilities I encourage you to educate yourself and help your child through them. There are many great resources out there. If you have a friend or a family member like me that can mentor your child through if you are not able then I encourage that relationship as well. There is nothing more difficult than being the only one in the family with an ability and having no help in understanding it or yourself. I am not blaming my parents in any way. Back when I grew up people were not open to psychics or healers so what options would my parents have had. Plus I was it. As far as I know there was nobody on both sides of the family like me or with abilities, nobody that could have understood or helped. My children know what I do. They know they can come to me if they have an experience that freaks them.
This is just the tip of the iceberg with this subject and I am by far no expert. But I can help get you in the right direction if you need help just email me.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Reading for the Week.
Hi All,
I was really pressed for time this weekend and I didn't include the reading for the week. I thought about it last night and figured I should continue with it as some of you may be looking for it every week now. So here it is.
This week we are going to use the same Masters Deck as last week because I like this deck for general readings.
Interesting cards today for the week. Let's break this down.
Yes: This means the time is right. All the manifesting you have done or the work you have done has created open doors for you and this card says it is time.
Drink More Water: Is all about taking care of you. We need to stay hydrated for our energy to flow and stay balanced. Water helps flush toxins not only from your body but from your aura as well. Drink up. My chiropractor says take your body weight and half it and drink that number in ounces a day just to keep hydrated. Then for every alcoholic or pop or coffee you have you need to drink another 8 oz to counter act.
Peace Offering: I think this one speaks to all the chaos in our country. Mr. Trump an apology to the American public for some of the mean things you've said during the run for the White House would go a long way into helping our country heal from this election year. I think it would really help heal some hurt feelings.
On a smaller level this could mean making peace with yourself and things in your past. This is a time of year for going within during the winter and doing healing work of your own.
Write: This could mean write to be creative and public or for yourself healing in the form of a journal. But write and get it out.
Spiritual Law of Attraction: What you are putting out energy wise is coming back so make sure you put out the energy you want back at you. Manifest positive things and remember the word "want" means you have a lack of so avoid the word "want" when manifesting.
So there you go the reading for the week.
Enjoy and Blessings All,
I was really pressed for time this weekend and I didn't include the reading for the week. I thought about it last night and figured I should continue with it as some of you may be looking for it every week now. So here it is.
This week we are going to use the same Masters Deck as last week because I like this deck for general readings.
Interesting cards today for the week. Let's break this down.
Yes: This means the time is right. All the manifesting you have done or the work you have done has created open doors for you and this card says it is time.
Drink More Water: Is all about taking care of you. We need to stay hydrated for our energy to flow and stay balanced. Water helps flush toxins not only from your body but from your aura as well. Drink up. My chiropractor says take your body weight and half it and drink that number in ounces a day just to keep hydrated. Then for every alcoholic or pop or coffee you have you need to drink another 8 oz to counter act.
Peace Offering: I think this one speaks to all the chaos in our country. Mr. Trump an apology to the American public for some of the mean things you've said during the run for the White House would go a long way into helping our country heal from this election year. I think it would really help heal some hurt feelings.
On a smaller level this could mean making peace with yourself and things in your past. This is a time of year for going within during the winter and doing healing work of your own.
Write: This could mean write to be creative and public or for yourself healing in the form of a journal. But write and get it out.
Spiritual Law of Attraction: What you are putting out energy wise is coming back so make sure you put out the energy you want back at you. Manifest positive things and remember the word "want" means you have a lack of so avoid the word "want" when manifesting.
So there you go the reading for the week.
Enjoy and Blessings All,
Monday, November 21, 2016
Ghost and Thanksgiving.
Hi All,
This week is Thanksgiving. A time for self reflecting and giving thanks for all the blessings we have. Most of us spend time with our family and friends over a big meal. The holidays are always a stressful time of year. Remember it is not selfish to take time for yourself.
It started out as a simple request to go out for Italian food. We drove to the Postmark Grille in Hudson, WI. We sat at the bar and ordered some beer and then our food. The food was fabulous. After we had our meal. We were sitting waiting for the check and watching the Wild, when a man in a fedora and a trench coat stood besides me and said, "The guys should not be wearing hats inside. It's rude". I asked out bartender if she knew anything about the history of the building and told her what I saw. She didn't as she was newer to staff and not from the area.
So does this stuff happen all the time. I wish I could tell you it's like being the Ghost Whisperer. However, it's not always so. But it does happen when I'm out once in a while. When I am with a client that wants to communicate with someone from the other-side it can be interesting. I usually start out with a card reading and have the intent of communicating with a person. Most of the time it works and we can successfully have a conversation with a crossed over loved one. Some times it does not happen. Why? Well there are a few reasons a crossed over loved one may not communicate. It could be the crossed over loved one isn't comfortable with me. Hey we are all people and not all people get along when they meet. Have you ever been around someone whose energy is just horrible and you can't even think straight around them because their energy is horrible.
Now it could be that the person is just busy. I mean on the other side life goes on. Your loved one is busy doing things over there while they wait for their soul group to catch up and be with them again over on the other side. It could also be that the person isn't strong enough yet to communicate or maybe he or she just crossed over and they are not able to communicate yet. Once we cross over to the other-side we are busy with our life review and looking at everything we learned and lessons we may have missed. Then we have to figure out what our next move is. Are we going to stay over there and chill for a while or do we want to start plotting our next incarnation?
I have been the way I am since I was a child. I have always been able to sense spirits in places. I have also been able to do minor healing with prayer on animals when I was a child. Now I am a Reiki Master but I've evolved my energy work. I can communicate with the dead and I can answer questions you may have about the path you are currently on through communicating with your guides and angels. When I meet new friends people should know I can't just read and tap into all your dark secrets. I have to have your permission to read for you. When I have your permission then you ask questions and I give you the messages from your support team on the other side. I can't just tap into your energy and know your habits or dirt. Plus I don't want to know. I will say I can't read for everyone. If you do not believe or have an open mind about what I do than don't bother asking because your guides will tell me if you think I'm full of crap. When this is the case it doesn't even pay to try to read because nothing will come out right.
However, there area exceptions. My brother would be one. My brother was a huge non believer for a long, long time. It wasn't until our Uncle died that he became a believer. That story is pretty personal so I will not go into it. He needed to become a believer because well he has me as a sister. And because I have been doing this for so long it's just a part of me and half the time when I am talking and I know things that I shouldn't it just comes out. Half the time like when I am out to eat, I ask and talk to people in the area I am in because I want to know. People I am with either get use to it or stop going out with me. I was told by a friend in the biz that you always speak when spirit gives you because it is not yours to keep or judge. It is information for the people around you. So I have gotten over the shyness of not saying anything or the "if I say this or ask this they will think I'm strange" and I just flat out ask. Besides sometimes if I don't open my mouth and say something I am left with a spirit who makes me second guess my choice to not say anything and bugs me for a while. Kinda like the movie Ghost where He is singing to Whoopie to get her to do what he wants.
So that is a little of some Ghost stories and a little background on not being so closed minded about meeting a psychic in social situations.
Have a great week all,
Happy Thanksgiving.
Blessings All,
This week is Thanksgiving. A time for self reflecting and giving thanks for all the blessings we have. Most of us spend time with our family and friends over a big meal. The holidays are always a stressful time of year. Remember it is not selfish to take time for yourself.
It started out as a simple request to go out for Italian food. We drove to the Postmark Grille in Hudson, WI. We sat at the bar and ordered some beer and then our food. The food was fabulous. After we had our meal. We were sitting waiting for the check and watching the Wild, when a man in a fedora and a trench coat stood besides me and said, "The guys should not be wearing hats inside. It's rude". I asked out bartender if she knew anything about the history of the building and told her what I saw. She didn't as she was newer to staff and not from the area.
So does this stuff happen all the time. I wish I could tell you it's like being the Ghost Whisperer. However, it's not always so. But it does happen when I'm out once in a while. When I am with a client that wants to communicate with someone from the other-side it can be interesting. I usually start out with a card reading and have the intent of communicating with a person. Most of the time it works and we can successfully have a conversation with a crossed over loved one. Some times it does not happen. Why? Well there are a few reasons a crossed over loved one may not communicate. It could be the crossed over loved one isn't comfortable with me. Hey we are all people and not all people get along when they meet. Have you ever been around someone whose energy is just horrible and you can't even think straight around them because their energy is horrible.
Now it could be that the person is just busy. I mean on the other side life goes on. Your loved one is busy doing things over there while they wait for their soul group to catch up and be with them again over on the other side. It could also be that the person isn't strong enough yet to communicate or maybe he or she just crossed over and they are not able to communicate yet. Once we cross over to the other-side we are busy with our life review and looking at everything we learned and lessons we may have missed. Then we have to figure out what our next move is. Are we going to stay over there and chill for a while or do we want to start plotting our next incarnation?
I have been the way I am since I was a child. I have always been able to sense spirits in places. I have also been able to do minor healing with prayer on animals when I was a child. Now I am a Reiki Master but I've evolved my energy work. I can communicate with the dead and I can answer questions you may have about the path you are currently on through communicating with your guides and angels. When I meet new friends people should know I can't just read and tap into all your dark secrets. I have to have your permission to read for you. When I have your permission then you ask questions and I give you the messages from your support team on the other side. I can't just tap into your energy and know your habits or dirt. Plus I don't want to know. I will say I can't read for everyone. If you do not believe or have an open mind about what I do than don't bother asking because your guides will tell me if you think I'm full of crap. When this is the case it doesn't even pay to try to read because nothing will come out right.
However, there area exceptions. My brother would be one. My brother was a huge non believer for a long, long time. It wasn't until our Uncle died that he became a believer. That story is pretty personal so I will not go into it. He needed to become a believer because well he has me as a sister. And because I have been doing this for so long it's just a part of me and half the time when I am talking and I know things that I shouldn't it just comes out. Half the time like when I am out to eat, I ask and talk to people in the area I am in because I want to know. People I am with either get use to it or stop going out with me. I was told by a friend in the biz that you always speak when spirit gives you because it is not yours to keep or judge. It is information for the people around you. So I have gotten over the shyness of not saying anything or the "if I say this or ask this they will think I'm strange" and I just flat out ask. Besides sometimes if I don't open my mouth and say something I am left with a spirit who makes me second guess my choice to not say anything and bugs me for a while. Kinda like the movie Ghost where He is singing to Whoopie to get her to do what he wants.
So that is a little of some Ghost stories and a little background on not being so closed minded about meeting a psychic in social situations.
Have a great week all,
Happy Thanksgiving.
Blessings All,
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Readings in Wisconsin Rapids December 3rd.
Hi All,
The following link is where I will be doing readings on December 3rd from 11 to 3pm. I will be donating all the proceeds to the First Ward School in Wisconsin Rapids. My friends own the school which is haunted. This was one of the first places I went to when I was involved with a paranormal group from Stevens Point, WI. Justin, his mom Judy and Heather his girlfriend are some of the best people I know.
Here is a link to their go fund me. Click Here School Video
Click Here to see the coffee house page.
You can email me for appointments or find Heather Bram on Facebook to book.
The following link is where I will be doing readings on December 3rd from 11 to 3pm. I will be donating all the proceeds to the First Ward School in Wisconsin Rapids. My friends own the school which is haunted. This was one of the first places I went to when I was involved with a paranormal group from Stevens Point, WI. Justin, his mom Judy and Heather his girlfriend are some of the best people I know.
Here is a link to their go fund me. Click Here School Video
Click Here to see the coffee house page.
You can email me for appointments or find Heather Bram on Facebook to book.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Super Moon and Card Reading for the Week.
Hi All,
I'm sorry this is going to be short. I am down with a virus of some kind.
There are no dates to discuss for this coming week.
Sunday was the Super Moon in which the moon with be the closest it has been to the earth in almost 70 years.
We start with Aengus Twin Flame Card. When this card came up I hear the words "look at it a different way" . Now when this card comes up the usual way to look at it is that this card is confirming that the person you are asking about is the one you should be with. But to look at it differently let's spin it. Twin flame love is about intense feelings that are instant and love is deep between the two. This is what is known. It is also a relationship where the two may not end up together if they don't clear out their emotional baggage so that they can be together and understand each other. When I went to the book on this one the interpretation that stuck me most was this one "Keep your heart open, stay positive, and follow your guidance to manifest your prayers about your love life".
Stay Focused Kuthumi
Keep to your intentions, priorities and stay your course. In this process keep your integrity and your truths. Keep a positive outlook on your dreams so they can manifest.
Nurture Yourself Mother Mary
Huge this time of year. We have been very stressed out and we are coming into the holiday season that stresses people out even more. It is very important we remember to take a few minutes a day or whatever time we can find for ourselves. It is not selfish to do this. If you do not take care of you, you cannot take care of others.
Detach from Drama Pallas Athena
Sometimes easier said than done. But really focus on you and your immediate surroundings and deal with that. Drama is easy to get caught up in, but what happens when you do? Do you get stressed out? What is the purpose of the drama or the person that is creating it? Step back from drama and you will find your energy in a much better place.
Listen Manjushri
"Take time to listen to your own guidance." (from the book included with the cards) Listen to your heart and your breath as you quiet your mind to hear your inner voice when you ask a question. Trust yourself.
It has been a crazy high stress week with a lot of Hate thrown in here in the US. I am not going to get on a soap box at all. I just want to say let's give this a chance. I know there was a lot of hate said, I know a lot of people were hurt by the hateful things that both Hillary and Donald said and that those hateful words caused a lot of fear. Fear that is real to many on so many levels I can't understand. But I do see how the Hate is effecting people I care about. Nothing good can come from fear and hate. I am not sure what needs to be done. All I can do is speak for myself. I am focusing on sending healing prayers to our nation and prayers of guidance to our leaders. I hope that by sending good vibes in the form of prayers or Reiki to help shift the energy to positive it helps.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,
I'm sorry this is going to be short. I am down with a virus of some kind.
There are no dates to discuss for this coming week.
Sunday was the Super Moon in which the moon with be the closest it has been to the earth in almost 70 years.
Card Reading for the Week:
This week I have gone with the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Stay Focused Kuthumi
Keep to your intentions, priorities and stay your course. In this process keep your integrity and your truths. Keep a positive outlook on your dreams so they can manifest.
Nurture Yourself Mother Mary
Huge this time of year. We have been very stressed out and we are coming into the holiday season that stresses people out even more. It is very important we remember to take a few minutes a day or whatever time we can find for ourselves. It is not selfish to do this. If you do not take care of you, you cannot take care of others.
Detach from Drama Pallas Athena
Sometimes easier said than done. But really focus on you and your immediate surroundings and deal with that. Drama is easy to get caught up in, but what happens when you do? Do you get stressed out? What is the purpose of the drama or the person that is creating it? Step back from drama and you will find your energy in a much better place.
Listen Manjushri
"Take time to listen to your own guidance." (from the book included with the cards) Listen to your heart and your breath as you quiet your mind to hear your inner voice when you ask a question. Trust yourself.
It has been a crazy high stress week with a lot of Hate thrown in here in the US. I am not going to get on a soap box at all. I just want to say let's give this a chance. I know there was a lot of hate said, I know a lot of people were hurt by the hateful things that both Hillary and Donald said and that those hateful words caused a lot of fear. Fear that is real to many on so many levels I can't understand. But I do see how the Hate is effecting people I care about. Nothing good can come from fear and hate. I am not sure what needs to be done. All I can do is speak for myself. I am focusing on sending healing prayers to our nation and prayers of guidance to our leaders. I hope that by sending good vibes in the form of prayers or Reiki to help shift the energy to positive it helps.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Readings to help friends.....
Hi All,
The following link is where I will be doing readings on December 3rd from 11 to 3pm. I will be donating all the proceeds to the First Ward School in Wisconsin Rapids. My friends own the school which is haunted. This was one of the first places I went to when I was involved with a paranormal group from Stevens Point, WI. Justin, his mom Judy and Heather his girlfriend are some of the best people I know.
Here is a link to their go fund me. Click Here School Video
Click Here to see the coffee house page.
You can email me for appointments or find Heather Bram on Facebook to book.
The following link is where I will be doing readings on December 3rd from 11 to 3pm. I will be donating all the proceeds to the First Ward School in Wisconsin Rapids. My friends own the school which is haunted. This was one of the first places I went to when I was involved with a paranormal group from Stevens Point, WI. Justin, his mom Judy and Heather his girlfriend are some of the best people I know.
Here is a link to their go fund me. Click Here School Video
Click Here to see the coffee house page.
You can email me for appointments or find Heather Bram on Facebook to book.
Monday, November 7, 2016 you believe?
Hi All,
I was going through some photos taken in Gettysburg and noticed a lot of orbs. Now there are many theories out there about orbs so let's just say this is my opinion here today and I'll post some photos and let you make up your mind.
Now I have been on a paranormal team where one member would absoulutely discredit any orb in a photo because the orb could be a bug or dust partitcal in the area. Now I don't disagree. However, I beg to dispute on a case by case
Here is my reasoning. If I point to an area of a haunted location and say to a person with a camera take a photo of that area there...and a orb is in the photo than that to me is proof that something is there with us. But I also look at the orb to see what it looks like. Confused.
Some of the works out there I have read on orbs say that an orb that is dust or a bug has layers like a cross section of a tree and you can see the rings. Some say if it is a spirit orb you should be able to see a face in the orb.
Most will discredit orbs because it is hard to not have a contaminated area that has no bugs or dust or some play off the flash.
Here are some samples and you can judge for yourself.
Orbs in the street. So for me because they are not bright and look like they have rings they are probably dirt or bugs
This one to me would be a spirit because I felt something behind me and this one is bright.
The orb is up by the right side of the roof. I'd have to say not spirit.
This one was funny because a girl along side of me and I took a picture at the same time and both looked at our screens and said "Dust" and then we laughed.
Spirit. Ok look at hte white shed to the right of it on the green garage. If you make this photo bigger there is a woman's face to the left of the orb.
This one looks like it could be dust but I had a feeling someone was standing there and in the very next photo of the same place on the camera there is no orb.
So most of this is dust but look at the bight one that is glowing in the middle of the sky.
Small orbs in the grass... I'm thinking could be dust or bugs but this is a highly haunted creek bed so I'm not sure.
Do you see how people in the paranormal field could discredit an orb as evidence. Now when at the Folsom House I will not discredit and orb because the house is a museum the filtration system in the building is top of the line and there is no dust in the place.
Dates for the Week:
Tuesday get out and vote!
All I ask is that you look in your heart and vote with the one you think you can live with. I don't like either party's choice but if nothing else I will vote for the one who will make the change I believe in.
Friday the 11th is Veterans Day! Remember those that have sacreficed! I could go off on an entire blog on how to support our troops and remember our fallen soldiers that made our freedoms that some take for granted, ours to still have and be proud of.
I was going through some photos taken in Gettysburg and noticed a lot of orbs. Now there are many theories out there about orbs so let's just say this is my opinion here today and I'll post some photos and let you make up your mind.
Now I have been on a paranormal team where one member would absoulutely discredit any orb in a photo because the orb could be a bug or dust partitcal in the area. Now I don't disagree. However, I beg to dispute on a case by case
Here is my reasoning. If I point to an area of a haunted location and say to a person with a camera take a photo of that area there...and a orb is in the photo than that to me is proof that something is there with us. But I also look at the orb to see what it looks like. Confused.
Some of the works out there I have read on orbs say that an orb that is dust or a bug has layers like a cross section of a tree and you can see the rings. Some say if it is a spirit orb you should be able to see a face in the orb.
Most will discredit orbs because it is hard to not have a contaminated area that has no bugs or dust or some play off the flash.
Here are some samples and you can judge for yourself.
Orbs in the street. So for me because they are not bright and look like they have rings they are probably dirt or bugs
This one to me would be a spirit because I felt something behind me and this one is bright.
The orb is up by the right side of the roof. I'd have to say not spirit.
This one was funny because a girl along side of me and I took a picture at the same time and both looked at our screens and said "Dust" and then we laughed.
Spirit. Ok look at hte white shed to the right of it on the green garage. If you make this photo bigger there is a woman's face to the left of the orb.
This one looks like it could be dust but I had a feeling someone was standing there and in the very next photo of the same place on the camera there is no orb.
So most of this is dust but look at the bight one that is glowing in the middle of the sky.
Small orbs in the grass... I'm thinking could be dust or bugs but this is a highly haunted creek bed so I'm not sure.
Do you see how people in the paranormal field could discredit an orb as evidence. Now when at the Folsom House I will not discredit and orb because the house is a museum the filtration system in the building is top of the line and there is no dust in the place.
Reading of the Week:
This week I used the Healing with the Faries deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD. I don't usually use this deck so this is different for me.
So it looks like we are all healing this week.
Miracle Healing: Your prayers have been heard and answered. Surrender your problems, fears or worries to your higher power and angels and be healed from the situation.
Magic of Nature:When we are stressed what better place to go than into nature to spend some peaceful time to quiet our minds and destress and balance ourselves.
Quiet Time: Find a few minutes a day to just sit and be. Have everything turned off and just focus on yourself. Great time to meditate. If you look at the fairie in this picture she is by water out in nature and she is alone. She is just being. Secluded and just with herself. Sometimes we need this time to just reset ourselves.
Make Music: Here is your permission card to turn up the radio or make some music. Get creative with it and let go some of your wound up energy through dance or playing an instrument. Music can be a great way to not only let go but to get your mind going in creative directions.
Stand Your Ground: Make a choice based on your honest feelings and do not let outsiders sway your choice. You are the only one that needs to be at peace with the choice you make. Therefor your feelings on the matter are the only ones that count. Nobody else is you know matter what you are being told. You are the one you have to answer to. Follow your heart.
So there you go.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,
Monday, October 31, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Dates, Reading of the Week and a Little More.....
Hi All,
I need to start out by saying that I am very bummed that I cannot figure out a way to get these EVP's to work here on the blog.
So let's just get on with the blog this week.
I need to start out by saying that I am very bummed that I cannot figure out a way to get these EVP's to work here on the blog.
So let's just get on with the blog this week.
This week on Sunday the 30th we have a new moon.
Monday next week is Halloween or Samhain which we will talk about in a bit.
Tuesday November 1 is All Saints' Day.
Saturday the 6th is daylight savings time. Awesome!
Card Reading for the Week:
This week I went back tot he Healing with the Angels deck. Interesting lay out this week. Lots of different things going on for many of us that kinda goes long with Samhain and the beginning of the Wheel of the Year.
Friendship was the first card that came up. In this card we see three little angels surrounded by music a pair of doves and another bird on the branch all by itself. Although the friends are all together they are all doing different things. The one in the middle doesn't seem interested at all in music as she is sitting with a bow and arrows while the other two are reading music. This card is about your friendships and some moving out of your life as your taste changes so to speak. When you start to raise your vibrations with healing work or getting into what spirituality means to you, you start attracting like minded people and letting go of some that may not be in line with what you are working on. It's all good changes in friendships are a natural cycle.
The next card is Self-Acceptance. Here we have an angel alone looking at the flower. This card can mean a few things. First, stop being to hard on yourself for what you believe are your flaws. You are loved as you are by your spirit team and should look at yourself though their eyes. Not always easy. Be honest with yourself yet not over critical or harsh on yourself for how you feel about your body, mind or spirit. Self-Acceptance comes with loving yourself as you are. When you learn to love being you and with your own company than others will flock to your energy. So in general stop being so hard on yourself.
Power. This card is about coming into your power. You see in this card the angel with what looks like storm clouds behind her and she is blowing out what could be the wind of change. Her right hand is manifesting what looks to be this storm of change. Know that you are safe during this time of stepping into your own power and making changes to your life. In the book that comes with the deck it says to give the angels your fears about coming into your power and use your power with love.
Healing. In this card there is an angel who is playing with a woman's hair as she sleeps in the lap of the angel knowing she is loved and supported. We heal through sleep. Listen to your body when you feel run down and needing more sleep. Also if you look at the background of this card they are laying around trees and there is water maybe a river or a pond. Nature is the perfect place to check out of a busy life and heal. The trees and water will help you relax and heal your spirit.
In the book it says this card shows you that a healing has occurred and it is now time for you to let this worry go and be healed from it. When I read this card for people I usually see this as a situation in which the person is going through a healing.
Romance is the next card. So once you've gone through all this Romance will be the outcome. For those of you who are not in a relationship this card tells you that a romance is in your future. So listen to your inner guidance so that you are in the right place to meet this person. Your angels will bring the two of you together so there is no need to go looking.
If you are in a relationship this could mean a renewed sense of romance in the relationship.
A few different things happening in this reading but all and all it comes together. It also can go hand and hand with Samhain and the energy.
I am just going to remind you that this day is the beginning of the Wheel of the Year. A very powerful night celebrated throughout the world. A night to honor crossed over loved ones. A 24 hour time in which the veil between the worlds drops and communication is easy. Be on your guard, noises you hear through out your house my be someone trying to communicate. Because this is a time of death and rebirth it is a great day to put in the past all that has happened this year and to start a new year and move forward into a more positive you. Celebrate and enjoy!
Have an amazing two weeks. Mystic Monday will post after Halloween as it falls on Monday.
Blessings All,
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Saturday and EVPs
Hi All,
I am very frustrated as I am trying to get EVPs posted and I'm having a horrible time with it. I upgraded my sound organizer and after listening to it I need to go back to my old one on my old computer. So it's going to take me a little bit longer than I thought but still wanting to get these published here before Monday or on Monday. I am very sorry these won't get posted today as I'm still half way through listening.
Blessing and Thanks for understanding.
I am very frustrated as I am trying to get EVPs posted and I'm having a horrible time with it. I upgraded my sound organizer and after listening to it I need to go back to my old one on my old computer. So it's going to take me a little bit longer than I thought but still wanting to get these published here before Monday or on Monday. I am very sorry these won't get posted today as I'm still half way through listening.
Blessing and Thanks for understanding.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
I will not be posting a blog for Monday on Halloween.
I hope to post by Saturday the EVPs from last weekend's visit to Folsom House.
So keep checking back and I will post to Facebook and Twitter when I have this up or a link to them.
Blessings All,
I hope to post by Saturday the EVPs from last weekend's visit to Folsom House.
So keep checking back and I will post to Facebook and Twitter when I have this up or a link to them.
Blessings All,
Monday, October 17, 2016
EVPs from Folsom House Update
Hi All,
Tonight I have been listening to some of our recordings and so far we have 2 EVPs from yhe bedroom of a little boy. I hope to share by the end of the week. Nothing is ever easy and tonight I had to find softwear for my new computer to listen.
Again I hope to have it all gone through and posted by this weekend.
Tonight I have been listening to some of our recordings and so far we have 2 EVPs from yhe bedroom of a little boy. I hope to share by the end of the week. Nothing is ever easy and tonight I had to find softwear for my new computer to listen.
Again I hope to have it all gone through and posted by this weekend.
Folsom House Museum
Hi All,
This week was pretty busy for me. Did everyone see the super moon on Saturday? I so didn't remember it when I booked Becca and I at the Folsom House.
Hallway leading up to the bedroom where we had activity with the pedulum and cards. This hallway and door creeps out the manager of the property. He feels like there is always someone standing there.
Card spread done with Becca. She shuffled the cards every time she pulled one from the deck. This is what came up. I will try to upload the recording of this later this week. In this room we did get the name Anne. We believe she was an older woman connected to the family of the house. Possibly a great aunt to the family. In this room there was a new beginning with a couple who were newly weds.
This is the parlor two rooms. In this area we had the most activity. If you look right above the flame there is a small orb. Now this could be from the flame however I've never seen something like this before.
There is an orb on the ceiling in this room. Right above the piano. Now the window in the back became a focal point for us. We have a picture of a man standing between the window and the table.
Again these two rooms gave us the most activity. We had great flashlight interactions. They didn't like women using swear words so we kept our language clean. When we ask if it was because we were women the light went on for yes.
This week was pretty busy for me. Did everyone see the super moon on Saturday? I so didn't remember it when I booked Becca and I at the Folsom House.
Cards for the Week
I have changed decks once again and these are my Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I don't really use this deck much. Something drew me to it today.
So card one is the Breaking Free card. This card is about leaving any habits, patterns that you may be suck in or areas in your life you are not truly happy in. Take the leap of faith and just get out of the hamster wheel.
Be Honest with Yourself. Is this truly what you would like in your life? Time for a list of pros and cons. It will only work if you are honest.
Raising Your Standards. You have learned what it is you do not like or wish to have in your life. Now it's time to raise the bar to attract what it is you would like to achieve or have come into your life.
Financial Flow. This says you are tapped into the universal abundance.
Letting Go. Stop trying to solve a problem or make a situation work. Let it go and it will turn out as it should.
I hope these card readings for the week are helping you get guidance for what could come your way.
Folsom House
Last week I put up some photos of Folsom House in Taylors Falls, MN. Becca and I were invited back by Chad who runs the place to have a private session with the house and the ghost that are there. Here are some photos from this Saturday night. We were also invited back for an late night early morning investigation as Chad has told us the place becomes more active as the night turns early morning.
Now I do have a voice recorder I have yet to listen to so I hope I can figure out how to share what is on there if I find any evidence as I work my way through the recordings.
So here are some photos. I will say we had flashlight interactions in the downstairs parlor and we had pendulum and card interactions upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Oddly enough it was the bedroom that the hallway door, which creeps out Chad, opens to.
We started at 5pm. This is a photo of the side of the house. Look in the left window.
These two photos were taken downstairs just off of the dining room. I can't put my finger on what it is about the back corner but I felt like someone was sitting there the entire time watching us.
We did not get any activity in this room with the flashlight.
I will say there were areas all over the house where I was cold or felt a breeze. I was assured there was no way that could happen as the house was a museum and had temperature control and we were also told there is never any dust. Keep that in mind as we look at orb photos.
This is the attic. Now I did use a flash but there is a small orb in the lower middle of the post. There is a lot of reflection going on off the metal duct work.
There is an orb on the ceiling in this room. Right above the piano. Now the window in the back became a focal point for us. We have a picture of a man standing between the window and the table.
Again these two rooms gave us the most activity. We had great flashlight interactions. They didn't like women using swear words so we kept our language clean. When we ask if it was because we were women the light went on for yes.
There is an orb on the top of the window. On the white line above the second rectangle of glass. I think I deleted the photo of the man....dang it!
Well that is all I have. So more in December from this house. We have been invited back for a wee hours stay.
So here is video from after being at Folsom House. We headed to the local bar. Some bar we were at the last weekend and had discussed a video show of Two Drunk Psychics. Now just know that we are never drunk when we work and we only have one drink after. I am a huge believer that alcohol will lower your vibrations and allow anything to come at you and attempt to communicate so I do not drink while I read or do any metaphysical events. After I only have one because alcohol can be a little stronger after doing energy work. But the title sounded fun and really one drink is pretty good for relaxing after.
We have a video from after the visit that I will post as soon as I can figure out how to get it to download.
No dates that are interesting this week.
Have an amazing week All, I will try to get any EVPs uploaded this week
Blessings All,
Friday, October 14, 2016
Saturday 10/15/16
Hi All,
Becca and I will be investigating the Folsom House in Taylors Falls, MN. We were invited back to have the house to ourselves to explore and see if we can figure out what is there. Stories will be posted on Monday.
Becca and I will be investigating the Folsom House in Taylors Falls, MN. We were invited back to have the house to ourselves to explore and see if we can figure out what is there. Stories will be posted on Monday.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Ghost Walk.....Great Stories from One Night.
Hi All,
I have so much to tell and some photos to share so let's jump in and get started. Let's not forget the Reading of the Week.
Sunday the 16th is the Full Moon. Time to do your ritual.
Spoiler: There are actors that will scream and run at the crowd. Now if you are like me I can deal with the "real" dead but the living pretending to be dead to scare me ....No thanks. I about had a heart attack when a guy ran from a house past us.
This was the first room we enetered in the house. To tell you the truth I'm not sure what the story was in this room because I was getting to sick and ended up with a coughing episode that was so bad my friends thought I was going to spew. We entered this room and the bits I understood from the tour was a woman who had just given birth was drugged for depression which made her worse. I believe the mother and baby passed away. Here is what I picked up just from the energy in the room. I walked in and started to feel very sick to my stomach and light headed. Then I felt a heaviness in my chest like someone was pressing on it. Finally it ended in a coughing fit that lasted a few minutes and was very harsh.
This bedroom wasn't so bad and there was a feeling of peace here. This was a room where a soldier had his wife laid out in final resting on the bed with a veil over here. (actors) I didn't catch all that was said in this room as I was recovering from the room next door. You'll have to book the tour. :)
This room had a lot going on. To the left of the table there was only one spot that felt cool and made all four of us feel like someone was pushing on our chest making it difficult to breathe. The room to the right of this one was a dining room where a man lived and was not a nice person to children. There was a little boy in the corner of that room curled up and all four of us experienced the room spinning counter clockwise like a bad ride where you expect the floor to drop out. We didn't say in that front room long. The room above had a few ghost walking through but nothing to bad energy wise.
My apologies for the quality of the photos. When I left for the day I forgot my voice recorder and my camera that I take on haunts. This photo I challenge you to look and tell me what you see.
I have so much to tell and some photos to share so let's jump in and get started. Let's not forget the Reading of the Week.
Sunday the 16th is the Full Moon. Time to do your ritual.
Cards of the Week:
This week I chose the Ascended Masters Deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD. I bought this one a year ago I think. I like it. It introduced me to some Masters I didn't know about.
Here we go. This week we are being guided to Retreat into Nature. What does this mean? It means to go for a walk by the river, a lake or in the forest and just be one with mother earth. By being out in nature you will destress and recharge your energy.
Go Now. This card tells you to basically leave the situation. Are you in a relationship with someone friend or loved one who is toxic? It could be time for you to just do something to move toward and outcome of positive so just do it. Take the leap of faith.
Priorities: Make a list of what it is you would like to accomplish and get it done. lol. This is the time to work on projects that you enjoy. This could even be making yourself a priority. Take 5 to 10 minutes for yourself during your day. Meditate, walk, whatever makes you feel better and make it your number one priority to get done during your day.
Ghost Tour
Saturday night my friend Becca, who has done guest blogs here, and I went out for well the day. We started out with a class on Druids and what it means to be on that path, then we went to Taylors Falls, MN for a Belly Dance event and a Ghost Walk of Angel Hill.
I highly recommend the Ghost Walk at Folsom House in Taylors Falls. You will not be disappointed.
Spoiler: There are actors that will scream and run at the crowd. Now if you are like me I can deal with the "real" dead but the living pretending to be dead to scare me ....No thanks. I about had a heart attack when a guy ran from a house past us.
Our Folsom House tour began outside the house. Now there were two other sensitive people with Becca and I and I will share what we all expereinced and I go.
Outside the house when we arrived and were waiting for the group to gather. I felt a noose being put around my neck and I kept seeing a noose. I also saw a dog running around outside which followed us inside and stayed by my side the entire time we were in the house. At the end of the night we talked to Chad the manager and he did say there was a man in the neighborhood that hung himself about 100 years ago. Now this house where this man died was the next house we ended up visiting on the walk. Becca and I both sensed a little boy in the upper window of this side of the house.
The tree and light photo above, was an area we sensed a man standing watching us. We think he could have been the creepy guy from the next house on the tour.
This was the first room we enetered in the house. To tell you the truth I'm not sure what the story was in this room because I was getting to sick and ended up with a coughing episode that was so bad my friends thought I was going to spew. We entered this room and the bits I understood from the tour was a woman who had just given birth was drugged for depression which made her worse. I believe the mother and baby passed away. Here is what I picked up just from the energy in the room. I walked in and started to feel very sick to my stomach and light headed. Then I felt a heaviness in my chest like someone was pressing on it. Finally it ended in a coughing fit that lasted a few minutes and was very harsh.
This bedroom wasn't so bad and there was a feeling of peace here. This was a room where a soldier had his wife laid out in final resting on the bed with a veil over here. (actors) I didn't catch all that was said in this room as I was recovering from the room next door. You'll have to book the tour. :)
This room had a lot going on. To the left of the table there was only one spot that felt cool and made all four of us feel like someone was pushing on our chest making it difficult to breathe. The room to the right of this one was a dining room where a man lived and was not a nice person to children. There was a little boy in the corner of that room curled up and all four of us experienced the room spinning counter clockwise like a bad ride where you expect the floor to drop out. We didn't say in that front room long. The room above had a few ghost walking through but nothing to bad energy wise.
Same room as above. The door on the right goes out to the room that was spinning. I couldn't take a photo in that room because the energy was so bad. The man ended up taking his life as the story goes.
After leaving the house we walked the neighborhood and visited outside some haunted houses. The owners shared their stories with the tour to be included.
This is the house where the man hung himself. He was known to be a not so nice dude. He is the one we believe was hanging out in the street and the yard of the Folsom House bothering us.
Looking down the road to where we were headed next. Becca was grabbed a few times on her backside as we stood on this street in front of the above house. Again we believe it was the not so nice dude.
This house had some interesting stories. One of a delivery driver from recent times reporting a little girl standing upstairs on the porch. One of an old woman who walked through the kitchen. I'd love to get into this house to see if the old woman was residual energy as she had a pattern from walking where the original door was to the outside lower porch.My apologies for the quality of the photos. When I left for the day I forgot my voice recorder and my camera that I take on haunts. This photo I challenge you to look and tell me what you see.
This one as well. There is someone hanging out in the corner.
When we made it back to the Folsom House we had the chance to investigate the nursery off the room I got sick in. We weren't able to pick up anyone that wanted to manifest and talk but we did feel like someone was there wanting to talk. We have been invited back to a private tour and I will post what we find there as we will be able to walk through the entire house.
I hope you enjoyed the little stories with the photos here. More to come.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All.
Monday, October 3, 2016
New Weekly Features
Hi All,
We are starting a brand new set up here on Mystic Monday. Please comment and let me know what your thoughts are.
As always we will start with dates for this week.
Monday is Rosh Hashanah.
Now for the new. Every week I will pick a card of the week from one of my decks. I'll explain the card and then you can figure out what it means to you for the week. This week I am using the Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards.
We are starting a brand new set up here on Mystic Monday. Please comment and let me know what your thoughts are.
As always we will start with dates for this week.
Monday is Rosh Hashanah.
Now for the new. Every week I will pick a card of the week from one of my decks. I'll explain the card and then you can figure out what it means to you for the week. This week I am using the Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards.
Card of the Week
First week of the new and well 3 cards came up. Now I picked this deck for the first week because it was my first deck ever. I love this deck.
Step 1: I shuffled the deck while asking for guidance for the Mystic Monday fans for the week.
Step 2: Read the cards to you.
Step 1: I shuffled the deck while asking for guidance for the Mystic Monday fans for the week.
Step 2: Read the cards to you.
This set is all about out growth with the the old year ending this month and the new year starting on Samhain or Halloween.
The first card is the Dream card. As you look at the card you can see a woman peacefully sleeping while sitting in a forest. The dream card for me means to pay attention to your dreams. If you wake up from one, keep paper near and write it down. Review your dream journal often to see if there are patterns. You may feel that you have traveled or you may wake up more tired than when you fell asleep. This is because your angels and guides are taking you places and educating you as your body sleeps.
The second card is the Divine Guidance card. On this card there is an angel standing on clouds raising her hand as she lets go or is calling a star in the shape of a heart. Divine Guidance tells us that at this time we are being guided by our higher power. This is a time to listen to your gut instinct or your intuition.
The last card is Spiritual Growth. In this card we see an angel surrounded in darkness with a small bit of light around her crown chakra as she has her head tilted toward her divine. She is dropping some feathers signaling a release of something.
So when we put all these cards together, this means this week, we should pay attention to our dreams and our intuitions as we seek spiritual growth that will help us to evolve ourselves and our souls. The dreams and our intuition will help guide us in our search for spiritual growth. When we grow we release things in our lives that are holding us back.
This week I wish us all luck on our journey. I am starting over on my training as I have been lacking in mediating daily.
This week I wish us all luck on our journey. I am starting over on my training as I have been lacking in mediating daily.
Follow your inner wisdom. When you are at a point in your life that you need guidance, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, ask your higher self or guides for help. Then just listen and trust the guidance you are being given.
That's all for this week. Next week I will have some fun stories to tell as we get close to Halloween as well as the Card Reading for the week.
Blessings All,
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Change is coming.......
Stop in next Monday for a new look and new features for the week only on Mystic Monday.....
What's it going to be? A few new items every Monday start are arriving next week. Make sure to check out the new information that will be posted weekly!
What's it going to be? A few new items every Monday start are arriving next week. Make sure to check out the new information that will be posted weekly!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Celtic Month of Ivy.
Hi All,
This Friday is the New Moon. So do your new moon rituals. Friday is also the beginning of the Celtic Month Ivy. My favorite plant.
This Friday is the New Moon. So do your new moon rituals. Friday is also the beginning of the Celtic Month Ivy. My favorite plant.
Ivy is Gort in the Ogham alphabet. The month of Ivy runs from September 30th to October 27th. When we think of Ivy what is it that the plant does. Ivy connects trees. It wanders where it wishes. So during this month of Ivy, think about what Ivy does and how it would relate to you're life. This month is a great time to release all the negative in your life and push forward with the positive that you are blessed with.
I was going to talk about protection but that just seemed boring. However we should talk about Halloween since it's coming up. Many people will be seeking out thrills and chills. Ghost tours are popping up and Ghost walks. This is a time when the veil between the worlds thin out. When this happens it's easy for the other side to communicate with us. If you are going on ghost tours you should wear some kind of protection. At the very least ask your guides and or angels to help keep you protected as you are out and about exploring these tours.
This weekend I was finally able to add protein back into my diet. I have held my weight steady now the last 5 days. The think I am most impressed with is I'm not bloated. I think it may be because I have cut wheat out of the list of food I eat. The last 11 days I've only eaten fruits and veggies. I have added chicken and eggs back into the foods I can eat. I can now start working out again. Which is great because I miss my workouts. The weather here has been raining most days so I haven't even been able to walk. It will be interesting to see if this week I lose anymore weight as I start working out again.
Meditation. Mediation is something everyone should get in the habit of doing. I have slipped from my daily practice with life being busy. It's time to retake that and balance things out. This week everyday I'm going to take at least 5 minutes a day to center my breathing and grounding to start. Then I my goal is to build on this and actually meditate for a few minutes at a time. This my plan to get back into the swing of things. Once you build mediation practice then you there is no limit to what you can accomplish.
Have a great week All.
Blessings All,
Monday, September 19, 2016
Happy Mabon/Fall Equinox and Stuff
Hi All,
As I look at my calendar it seems Mabon or Fall Equinox will be arriving Thursday September 22, 2016. I can't believe it is already here. Where has the year gone?
Mabon is the 2 of the harvest fests. This is a time of year where we "reap what we sow". If you think about living off the land. This is a time when crops are harvested and in storage or being put into storage for the long winter months. Fall Equinox is also a time when the day and night are balanced in time. This is a great day to take time to find some balance. Honor this day by reaping what it is you have been working so hard on. However you choose to celebrate have a blessed day.
As all my friends know I am a junk food junkie. I eat pasta and pizza, when we go out I have a burger, fries and a beer. I rarely eat fruits and vegetables. In fact the only veggies I really eat are just the basics. Corn, carrots, beans, peas, stuff like that. Fruits same, bananas, apples, grapes. Well I figured now that I am getting older and my body is changing it's time to clean my act up. I have been on a 21 day purification program. I am only day 5 into this and for the first 10 no protein and no carbs. Only fruits and veggies. Yeah, Well day one I was horrible. Headache all day. Hungry all day. I was kept alive on my shakes (nasty) and the basics that I like, however, no corn. Can't have it on this program of retraining your body what to eat. Ok so I read some reviews and the Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program people have said is hard until day 3. So I held out to day 3. I would say day 4 was easier than 3. Day four I wasn't really hungry, I was looking for fruits to eat and some veggies. I cooked black beans for the first time. Hey, I don't cook so that is a huge first for me. I also went shopping this weekend and bought some stuff to try out to make in advanced to take to work. I roasted Chickpeas, which are my new favorite snack. I cooked french onion soup. Who knew I could actually cook something with taste! I have lost 4 pounds so far. But better yet I am being introduced to good for you foods that I would have never eaten. My energy level is up and I am sleeping deeper. I will continue to let you know how this goes for anyone out there is thinking about a life change in the food department. Believe me if I can do this, then you can if you chose to.
This past week I have noticed a change in energy. Past experiences or memories of people I was once connected to have come forward again. It just dawned on me, of course it would because Mabon energy is hitting. Again this is a time for reaping what we sow. People that have left my life or yours have done so for whatever reasons. But with those memories or seeing reminders of those people maybe with the energy of Mabon we should be looking at it as what did we learn from that experience or person who was in our life. At that time in our life, what is the thing we are reaping from that situation or relationship? We also talk about the balance of the day with day and night being the same length and it is a good reminder of bringing balance back to my life or your own life as well. Maybe it is finding a new balance to life. Who knows. It will all work out as it is supposed to when it should, Right?
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,
As I look at my calendar it seems Mabon or Fall Equinox will be arriving Thursday September 22, 2016. I can't believe it is already here. Where has the year gone?
Mabon is the 2 of the harvest fests. This is a time of year where we "reap what we sow". If you think about living off the land. This is a time when crops are harvested and in storage or being put into storage for the long winter months. Fall Equinox is also a time when the day and night are balanced in time. This is a great day to take time to find some balance. Honor this day by reaping what it is you have been working so hard on. However you choose to celebrate have a blessed day.
As all my friends know I am a junk food junkie. I eat pasta and pizza, when we go out I have a burger, fries and a beer. I rarely eat fruits and vegetables. In fact the only veggies I really eat are just the basics. Corn, carrots, beans, peas, stuff like that. Fruits same, bananas, apples, grapes. Well I figured now that I am getting older and my body is changing it's time to clean my act up. I have been on a 21 day purification program. I am only day 5 into this and for the first 10 no protein and no carbs. Only fruits and veggies. Yeah, Well day one I was horrible. Headache all day. Hungry all day. I was kept alive on my shakes (nasty) and the basics that I like, however, no corn. Can't have it on this program of retraining your body what to eat. Ok so I read some reviews and the Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program people have said is hard until day 3. So I held out to day 3. I would say day 4 was easier than 3. Day four I wasn't really hungry, I was looking for fruits to eat and some veggies. I cooked black beans for the first time. Hey, I don't cook so that is a huge first for me. I also went shopping this weekend and bought some stuff to try out to make in advanced to take to work. I roasted Chickpeas, which are my new favorite snack. I cooked french onion soup. Who knew I could actually cook something with taste! I have lost 4 pounds so far. But better yet I am being introduced to good for you foods that I would have never eaten. My energy level is up and I am sleeping deeper. I will continue to let you know how this goes for anyone out there is thinking about a life change in the food department. Believe me if I can do this, then you can if you chose to.
This past week I have noticed a change in energy. Past experiences or memories of people I was once connected to have come forward again. It just dawned on me, of course it would because Mabon energy is hitting. Again this is a time for reaping what we sow. People that have left my life or yours have done so for whatever reasons. But with those memories or seeing reminders of those people maybe with the energy of Mabon we should be looking at it as what did we learn from that experience or person who was in our life. At that time in our life, what is the thing we are reaping from that situation or relationship? We also talk about the balance of the day with day and night being the same length and it is a good reminder of bringing balance back to my life or your own life as well. Maybe it is finding a new balance to life. Who knows. It will all work out as it is supposed to when it should, Right?
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,
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