Monday, November 7, 2016 you believe?

Hi All,

Dates for the Week:
Tuesday get out and vote!
All I ask is that you look in your heart and vote with the one you think you can live with.  I don't like either party's choice but if nothing else I will vote for the one who will make the change I believe in.  

Friday the 11th is Veterans Day!  Remember those that have sacreficed!  I could go off on an entire blog on how to support our troops and remember our fallen soldiers that made our freedoms that some take for granted, ours to still have and be proud of.

I was going through some photos taken in Gettysburg and noticed a lot of orbs.  Now there are many theories out there about orbs so let's just say this is my opinion here today and I'll post some photos and let you make up your mind.

Now I have been on a paranormal team where one member would absoulutely discredit any orb in a photo because the orb could be a bug or dust partitcal in the area.  Now I don't disagree. However, I beg to dispute on a case by case

Here is my reasoning.  If I point to an area of a haunted location and say to a person with a camera take a photo of that area there...and a orb is in the photo than that to me is proof that something is there with us.  But I also look at the orb to see what it looks like.  Confused.

Some of the works out there I have read on orbs say that an orb that is dust or a bug has layers like a cross section of a tree and you can see the rings.  Some say if it is a spirit orb you should be able to see a face in the orb.
Most will discredit orbs because it is hard to not have a contaminated area that has no bugs or dust or some play off the flash.

Here are some samples and you can judge for yourself.

 Orbs in the street.   So for me because they are not bright and look like they have rings they are probably dirt or bugs
 This one to me would be a spirit because I felt something behind me and this one is bright.
 The orb is up by the right side of the roof.  I'd have to say not spirit.
 This one was funny because a girl along side of me and I took a picture at the same time and both looked at our screens and said "Dust" and then we laughed.
 Spirit.  Ok look at hte white shed to the right of it on the green garage.  If you make this photo bigger there is a woman's face to the left of the orb.
 This one looks like it could be dust but I had a feeling someone was standing there and in the very next photo of the same place on the camera there is no orb.
 So most of this is dust but look at the bight one that is glowing in the middle of the sky.

Small orbs in the grass... I'm thinking could be dust or bugs but this is a highly haunted creek bed so I'm not sure.

Do you see how people in the paranormal field could discredit an orb as evidence.  Now when at the Folsom House I will not discredit and orb because the house is a museum the filtration system in the building is top of the line and there is no dust in the place.

Reading of the Week:

This week I used the Healing with the Faries deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD.  I don't usually use this deck so this is different for me.
So it looks like we are all healing this week.
Miracle Healing: Your prayers have been heard and answered.  Surrender your problems, fears or worries to your higher power and angels and be healed from the situation.

Magic of Nature:When we are stressed what better place to go than into nature to spend some peaceful time to quiet our minds and destress and  balance ourselves.

Quiet Time:  Find a few minutes a day to just sit and be.  Have everything turned off and just focus on yourself.  Great time to meditate.  If you look at the fairie in this picture she is by water out in nature and she is alone.  She is just being.  Secluded and just with herself.  Sometimes we need this time to just reset ourselves.

Make Music:  Here is your permission card to turn up the radio or make some music.  Get creative with it and let go some of your wound up energy through dance or playing an instrument.  Music can be a great way to not only let go but to get your mind going in creative directions.

Stand Your Ground:  Make a choice based on your honest feelings and do not let outsiders sway your choice.  You are the only one that needs to be at peace with the choice you make.  Therefor your feelings on the matter are the only ones that count. Nobody else is you know matter what you are being told.  You are the one you have to answer to.  Follow your heart.

So there you go.  
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,

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