I have so much to tell and some photos to share so let's jump in and get started. Let's not forget the Reading of the Week.
Sunday the 16th is the Full Moon. Time to do your ritual.
Cards of the Week:
This week I chose the Ascended Masters Deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD. I bought this one a year ago I think. I like it. It introduced me to some Masters I didn't know about.
Here we go. This week we are being guided to Retreat into Nature. What does this mean? It means to go for a walk by the river, a lake or in the forest and just be one with mother earth. By being out in nature you will destress and recharge your energy.
Go Now. This card tells you to basically leave the situation. Are you in a relationship with someone friend or loved one who is toxic? It could be time for you to just do something to move toward and outcome of positive so just do it. Take the leap of faith.
Priorities: Make a list of what it is you would like to accomplish and get it done. lol. This is the time to work on projects that you enjoy. This could even be making yourself a priority. Take 5 to 10 minutes for yourself during your day. Meditate, walk, whatever makes you feel better and make it your number one priority to get done during your day.
Ghost Tour
Saturday night my friend Becca, who has done guest blogs here, and I went out for well the day. We started out with a class on Druids and what it means to be on that path, then we went to Taylors Falls, MN for a Belly Dance event and a Ghost Walk of Angel Hill.
I highly recommend the Ghost Walk at Folsom House in Taylors Falls. You will not be disappointed.
Spoiler: There are actors that will scream and run at the crowd. Now if you are like me I can deal with the "real" dead but the living pretending to be dead to scare me ....No thanks. I about had a heart attack when a guy ran from a house past us.
Our Folsom House tour began outside the house. Now there were two other sensitive people with Becca and I and I will share what we all expereinced and I go.
Outside the house when we arrived and were waiting for the group to gather. I felt a noose being put around my neck and I kept seeing a noose. I also saw a dog running around outside which followed us inside and stayed by my side the entire time we were in the house. At the end of the night we talked to Chad the manager and he did say there was a man in the neighborhood that hung himself about 100 years ago. Now this house where this man died was the next house we ended up visiting on the walk. Becca and I both sensed a little boy in the upper window of this side of the house.
The tree and light photo above, was an area we sensed a man standing watching us. We think he could have been the creepy guy from the next house on the tour.
This was the first room we enetered in the house. To tell you the truth I'm not sure what the story was in this room because I was getting to sick and ended up with a coughing episode that was so bad my friends thought I was going to spew. We entered this room and the bits I understood from the tour was a woman who had just given birth was drugged for depression which made her worse. I believe the mother and baby passed away. Here is what I picked up just from the energy in the room. I walked in and started to feel very sick to my stomach and light headed. Then I felt a heaviness in my chest like someone was pressing on it. Finally it ended in a coughing fit that lasted a few minutes and was very harsh.
This bedroom wasn't so bad and there was a feeling of peace here. This was a room where a soldier had his wife laid out in final resting on the bed with a veil over here. (actors) I didn't catch all that was said in this room as I was recovering from the room next door. You'll have to book the tour. :)
This room had a lot going on. To the left of the table there was only one spot that felt cool and made all four of us feel like someone was pushing on our chest making it difficult to breathe. The room to the right of this one was a dining room where a man lived and was not a nice person to children. There was a little boy in the corner of that room curled up and all four of us experienced the room spinning counter clockwise like a bad ride where you expect the floor to drop out. We didn't say in that front room long. The room above had a few ghost walking through but nothing to bad energy wise.
Same room as above. The door on the right goes out to the room that was spinning. I couldn't take a photo in that room because the energy was so bad. The man ended up taking his life as the story goes.
After leaving the house we walked the neighborhood and visited outside some haunted houses. The owners shared their stories with the tour to be included.
This is the house where the man hung himself. He was known to be a not so nice dude. He is the one we believe was hanging out in the street and the yard of the Folsom House bothering us.
Looking down the road to where we were headed next. Becca was grabbed a few times on her backside as we stood on this street in front of the above house. Again we believe it was the not so nice dude.
This house had some interesting stories. One of a delivery driver from recent times reporting a little girl standing upstairs on the porch. One of an old woman who walked through the kitchen. I'd love to get into this house to see if the old woman was residual energy as she had a pattern from walking where the original door was to the outside lower porch.My apologies for the quality of the photos. When I left for the day I forgot my voice recorder and my camera that I take on haunts. This photo I challenge you to look and tell me what you see.
This one as well. There is someone hanging out in the corner.
When we made it back to the Folsom House we had the chance to investigate the nursery off the room I got sick in. We weren't able to pick up anyone that wanted to manifest and talk but we did feel like someone was there wanting to talk. We have been invited back to a private tour and I will post what we find there as we will be able to walk through the entire house.
I hope you enjoyed the little stories with the photos here. More to come.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All.
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