Monday, November 21, 2016

Ghost and Thanksgiving.

Hi All,
This week is Thanksgiving.  A time for self reflecting and giving thanks for all the blessings we have.  Most of us spend time with our family and friends over a big meal. The holidays are always a stressful time of year.  Remember it is not selfish to take time for yourself.

It started out as a simple request to go out for Italian food.  We drove to the Postmark Grille in Hudson, WI.  We sat at the bar and ordered some beer and then our food.  The food was fabulous.  After we had our meal.  We were sitting waiting for the check and watching the Wild, when a man in a fedora and a trench coat stood besides me and said, "The guys should not be wearing hats inside.  It's rude".  I asked out bartender if she knew anything about the history of the building and told her what I saw.  She didn't as she was newer to staff and not from the area.

So does this stuff happen all the time.  I wish I could tell you it's like being the Ghost Whisperer. However, it's not always so.  But it does happen when I'm out once in a while.   When I am with a client that wants to communicate with someone from the other-side it can be interesting.  I usually start out with a card reading and have the intent of communicating with a person.  Most of the time it works and we can successfully have a conversation with a crossed over loved one.  Some times it does not happen.  Why?  Well there are a few reasons a crossed over loved one may not communicate.  It could be the crossed over loved one isn't comfortable with me.  Hey we are all people and not all people get along when they meet.  Have you ever been around someone whose energy is just horrible and you can't even think straight around them because their energy is horrible.
Now it could be that the person is just busy.  I mean on the other side life goes on.  Your loved one is busy doing things over there while they wait for their soul group to catch up and be with them again over on the other side.  It could also be that the person isn't strong enough yet to communicate or maybe he or she just crossed over and they are not able to communicate yet.  Once we cross over to the other-side we are busy with our life review and looking at everything we learned and lessons we may have missed.   Then we have to figure out what our next move is.  Are we going to stay over there and chill for a while or do we want to start plotting our next incarnation?

I have been the way I am since I was a child.  I have always been able to sense spirits in places.  I have also been able to do minor healing with prayer on animals when I was a child.  Now I am a Reiki Master but I've evolved my energy work.  I can communicate with the dead and I can answer questions you may have about the path you are currently on through communicating with your guides and angels.  When I meet new friends people should know I can't just read and tap into all your dark secrets.  I have to have your permission to read for you.  When I have your permission then you ask questions and I give you the messages from your support team on the other side.  I can't just tap into your energy and know your habits or dirt.  Plus I don't want to know.  I will say I can't read for everyone.  If you do not believe or have an open mind about what I do than don't bother asking because your guides will tell me if you think I'm full of crap.  When this is the case it doesn't even pay to try to read because nothing will come out right.
However, there area exceptions.  My brother would be one.  My brother was a huge non believer for a long, long time.  It wasn't until our Uncle died that he became a believer.  That story is pretty personal so I will not go into it.  He needed to become a believer because well he has me as a sister.  And because I have been doing this for so long it's just a part of me and half the time when I am talking and I know things that I shouldn't it just comes out.  Half the time like when I am out to eat, I ask and talk to people in the area I am in because I want to know.  People I am with either get use to it or stop going out with me.  I was told by a friend in the biz that you always speak when spirit gives you because it is not yours to keep or judge.  It is information for the people around you.  So I have gotten over the shyness of not saying anything or the "if I say this or ask this they will think I'm strange" and I just flat out ask.  Besides sometimes if I don't open my mouth and say something I am left with a spirit who makes me second guess my choice to not say anything and bugs me for a while.  Kinda like the movie Ghost where He is singing to Whoopie to get her to do what he wants.

So that is a little of some Ghost stories and a little background on not being so closed minded about meeting a psychic in social situations.

Have a great week all,
Happy Thanksgiving.
Blessings All,

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