How has your week been going?
It's been pretty crazy with Thanksgiving and all.
Dates this Week:
Tuesday November 29th is the New Moon. Remember is to do your ritual.
Card Reading for the Week:
OK here we go. Pretty positive things in this week's cards.
Flow of Prosperity: There is no need to worry about money problems. Your prayers with money have been heard. Focus on the abundance of instead of lack of in the form of worry. When you put worry out into the universe remember that is what the universe will kick back. Spin it by thanking the universe for what you have and put out there that everything bill wise is paid in full. This will attract a way to make all that happen.
Work Your Magic: Use your abilities to help you in your current situation. You have the ability within you to resolve what it is you are asking about.
Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation:
OK for some reason I am feeling like a lot of us are burnt out in our careers or the direction in which our lives have gone. We need to look at it in a different way and think about what we have gained on this path.
The book says every opportunity is a lesson to grow. When you curse a situation you block it's energy flow and things fester and grow worse. If you see the blessing than supportive and healing energy can flow to you. This card is coming to you because you need to find the unseen blessing in the situation. Some of that paragraph is copied from the book that came with the card deck. Some is paraphrased.
Meditate: Yep OK I hear this one. I so need to get back into a few minutes a day. This card is a wake up call to get back into practice because your mind, body and spirit need this time. It doesn't need to be a formal meditation. Just sit quietly and focus on your breathing and relax.
Clear and Shield Your Energy:
Huge for this time of year. We are out shopping with crazy people looking for deals bumping into them and all the chaos that goes with the Christmas Holiday Season. Remember to clear your aura frequently and shield yourself so that people can't become energy vampires and suck off your energy.
This week I wanted to bring up being different as a child. But I'm not sure where to go with this because it can be a huge topic. Children are very open to the other side until they start talking to friends and family about their experiences and figure out not everyone is able to do what they are doing. Mom may not see grandpa standing there trying to tell her something. A child may be sitting on a couch having a conversation with and imaginary friend who to them is sitting right there and he or she sees the person just as if that person was in a physical body. Maybe the child is an empath and sucks up all the emotions that surround him or her. This can be difficult because the child may not know why they feel anger or sadness or are just hyper with joy.
As such a child I think the worst thing is turning it off. This can happen with a family that has no idea what is going on and chalks everything up to cute he/she has an imaginary friend. Perhaps parents or one parent doesn't believe in ghost or psychic abilities. My son has turned his abilities off because he does not believe in being able to communicate with the dead, angels or guides. I feel bad because one day his abilities are going to slap him in the face with a huge wake up call and he will be forced to deal with being different I feel.
Parenting a child with abilities is difficult. The first step is being OK with you child being different. Next you have to figure it out. What are the abilities that are coming out? Start reading up and researching abilities and how to foster them if your child is OK with working through it with you.
Start simple. Teach meditation, grounding, clearing one's energy and shielding. The basics are important for future situations. Protection is a skill that will be used daily. If you are not able to teach your child then research people out there who can help.
Speaking from experience I was one who shut my abilities down and had to work very hard to get them back. I was a child who was very afraid of the dark and places I could feel had a trapped ghost. I had no clue about hands on healing or prayer healing and that it could actually work. I had no explanation as to why I could heal animals with prayer or later in life why my son recovered from a minor illness over night because I was fearful of him being sick and prayed to Mother Mary for a speedy recovery. I remember asking childhood friends about seeing things or healing and being made fun of and that folks is when it all shut down. After being called baby enough by classmates for being an emapth on top of all my abilities that it was time to shut my mouth and lean on prayer to calm my fears. I don't remember how many times I said the Hail Mary to fall asleep because I was afraid. It wasn't until I was in high school and then college I started reading books on crystals and healing with them. Reiki training came later in life. Reiki explained a lot to me as I gained knowledge I understood what I was doing when I was a kid.
Sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off knowing I was just different and not a baby or a freak child and could have learned skills growing up to help me understand.
Every child is different. Sometimes I think maybe being older was better so I could understand but then I wonder how much fear could have been put to the side and never felt because I would have understood and had knowledge to protect myself.
If your child had abilities I encourage you to educate yourself and help your child through them. There are many great resources out there. If you have a friend or a family member like me that can mentor your child through if you are not able then I encourage that relationship as well. There is nothing more difficult than being the only one in the family with an ability and having no help in understanding it or yourself. I am not blaming my parents in any way. Back when I grew up people were not open to psychics or healers so what options would my parents have had. Plus I was it. As far as I know there was nobody on both sides of the family like me or with abilities, nobody that could have understood or helped. My children know what I do. They know they can come to me if they have an experience that freaks them.
This is just the tip of the iceberg with this subject and I am by far no expert. But I can help get you in the right direction if you need help just email me.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,