Monday, April 4, 2016

Rough week....Chakras on hold....Let' chat

Hi All,
Let's get some dates out of the way and then chat a bit on things going on in the Universe.

Thursday is the new moon.  Which means we are opening new doors and beginnings.

Ok let's talk because there is one thing I want to cover personally and then hey let's talk show and what I learned and then let's go a far as to talk they crazy things that have been coming up the last two weeks and maybe it will click with someone and you guys can comment so we all can understand what is going on.

Personal Note:  Ok I may get on a soap box.  Parvo virus in dogs.  I lost a new puppy this last week to the parvo virus.  The most horrible thing I have ever had to deal with.  I felt so bad for puppy as she was very sick and it was very hard on her little body until she finally gave up.  So here is my soap box.  Please learn about this deadly highly contagious diseas and get your puppy their round of Distemper shots.  Our poor little girl was too young and had too many things she was fighting off in ther young short life to be able to fight parvo.  In general, parvo has a long life out of body.  So when an infected puppy does its business outside and another puppy sniffs that area, the "sniffer" puppy can come down with it.  Yes just by sniffing!  Parvo can last a year in the soil or in your carpet.  So thank god I had hardwood floors.  The only thing that kills parvo for cleaning your house is good old bleach.  I had to wash everything in bleach and throw out three throw rugs.  My plan is another puppy some day so better safe then sorry and throw it all out.       This is a really good article I found and posted to facebook.

Off the soap box.  Thank you for letting me get that out.

What the heck is going on in the Universe?
Here is what I've been asked about this week .  Vivid Dreams that are predicting break ins and not o nice things happening to people.  A vivid dream is a dream in which what is going on feels so real you wake up wondering if if actually happend.  A friend of mine called to say that people around her were experiencing these kinds of dreams and well I have some people around me too.  So I'm putting it out there to you all what do you think is going on?  We have been through a lot with energy lately, we had the full moon, spring equinox, I beleive we had twin comets pass by the earth and a lunar eclipse.  That's a lot going on.
Talking with other sesitive people this week it seems like our vibrations are on the rise again and things are shifting.  This could explain the dreams and maybe a peek at what's to come.

Hayward Expo:
The interesting thing about the expo this weekend was I did about half energy work and half readings. Usually at expos I do one or the other more.  I also did a lot of educating people and helping people so they could use the knowledge they gained to help those around them.  I will take this opprotunity to say please email me when you have quesitons and I will do my best to have an answer, find an answer or hook you up with someone who can help you.  If you want to learn Reiki, Yes I have prices on my website, but please contact me because I will do by donation or pay what you can.
At this expo many people had stuff they just had to let go of.  Past life stuff, current life stuff.  When talking to friends this clicked because we are in an engery time of dropping our baggage as we rise to fit into this new energy that is hitting all of us.  I'll keep my eyes open and try to post articles on this as I find them or am sent them so that we can all stay informed and know the signs in our own energy that we are going through this.  If you run across an article please email it to me and I'll post.  I'll try to post them here as well as Mystic Monday Facebook page.

Here is what I am suggesting we all do to help our energy and body as we shift through and it will help us clean up our energy.   Daily meditation which will include a mini chakra balance.  Then cord cutting and releasing people that are not serving your highest good.  Cord cutting needs to be done every time you feel your energy being drained.  I will admit I don't do this enough.  I am horrible with eating foods that are good for me so that's going to be a goal to help my body with this shift.  Sleep, 8 hours.  I know right.  But it is important.

Cord Cutting:
Work head to toe.  Bundle up energy cords like you would make a pony tail.  I do this at all my chakras since this is where people tend to plug in and steal your energy.  Front and back.  Then raise your arms straight over your head and bend your hand at the wrist so your finger tips touch each other.  You are going to use them as a knife to cut the cords.  Breathe a deep breath  in and as you exhale forcefully drop your hands down your front and then inhale and raise them up and then exhale and forcefully run them down your back.  Cords will be in a circle around your feet.  Step out of the circle and it will dissipate to mother earth and she will recycle it.

You can also ask Archangel Michael to come down and cut your cords with his flaming sword in a meditation to release them.

OK next week we will get back on track with chakras.
I try to plan a blog but things come up and I'm inspired to go a different way sometimes. :)
Have a great week.
Blessings All,

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