Monday, April 18, 2016

Heart Chakra

Hi All,
I hope everyone has been enjoying the warm weather that has finally hit the mid west.  I know I have been trying to get projects around the house done.

This week Friday the 22 is the Full moon.  Friday is high time to manifest.  Write out your list of what you would like to come into your life and then burn it to release your intent into the universe.

Last week we talked sacral chakra.  This week we are talking about the Heart Chakra.

The heart chakra has two colors associated with it.  They are green and pink.  The heart chakra is about all the types of love and also about abundance.  Self love and unconditional love are two of the biggest things I have had to work on in my personal work with this chakra.  Also when working with this chakra the inner child can come in as a partner to help you work through clearing up energy associated with love.  Letting go is also wrapped up with this chakra as is trust and compassion.

Stones for helping with this chakra work would be green or pink in color.  My favorites are Rose Quartz and Malachite.  Bloodstone is also a good one.  I use 6 and lay them out around the body and put a pair one rose quartz and one malachite on my heart chakra when meditating to clear issues.

Healing this chakra is not an easy thing.  There is a lot of homework you must do.  Self love is huge here so you may have to dig deep to figure out how to love yourself because you cannot be truly successful in loving someone else until you love yourself unconditionally.  Spend time out in nature and with animals.  Take things as they come and let go of what is not serving you highest good.  Not all easy tasks.  Meditation can help you release any old injuries from past lovers.  Cutting ties and shutting doors on past loves also helps.  But also look at those past relationships as what did I learn about myself?  On the facebook page I posted a great video about twin flames.  This video also talks about self love.  Watch it he has a lot of good points. 

I am currently reading Using Your Chakras by Ruth White.  She breaks down all the chakras and not only how they work alone but how they work in pairs to keep your energy healthy.  I am also still working through reading Energy Medicine by Donna Eden.  

Again to clear this chakra in meditation visualize a green glowing ball of light in the middle of your chest.  This is your heart chakra.  Take a good look at it.  Is it dirty?  Is it spinning properly?  Bring down a ray of universal white light and beam that white light into your heart chakra and scrub that chakra clean using the white light to clear it.  Then see your chakra spinning in perfect balance.  If you feel a little light headed after remember to ground yourself.

That's all I have for this week.
Have an amazing week.
Blessings All,

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