Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Well it is finally warm enough to sit out on my deck and enjoy the sun while I write and I love it! I did some yard work today and you know there is nothing that balances my energy more than being out in the yard with my hands in the dirt. The connection to mother earth is amazing this time of year as things start to awaken from winter’s slumber.

Dates this Week:
Wednesday the 15th the Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins. Willow has a connection to the moon and the tree of inspiration. It also nurtures the female aspect of nature. Willow will aid you in sleep. If you are having difficulties sleeping find a piece of willow and place under your pillow. Willow bark has also been used in treating pain such as headaches. Willow planted on your property will ward off harmful energies and act as a psychic shield so-to-speak. 

Saturday the 18th is the night of the New Moon. This night is a high energy night for banishing that which no longer serves your highest good. So make your list and burn it or perform what ritual it is that you use to help you clear your energy of anything that is no longer aligned with what it is you wish to be in your life.

So this week with the new moon coming up and the weather getting warmer let’s talk spring cleaning shall we? Yeah I know that means work. If you are like me and live up north or in places where it gets cold during the winter and you are closed in all those long months, spring is not only a time for renewal outside, but inside your home and self as well. This is a great time to start cleaning out all the stuff you no longer need and I mean that physically and mentally. Start going through your home and decluttering! 

Get rid of the things you are no longer using. If you are not the have a yard sale type then donate it. When you clear out the old new will have the space to move in. Mentally it’s time to sit and think about what is it you would like to accomplish. What are your dreams? How can you make a plan to make those happen? What is it you would like  to let go of? Past relationships? Friendships that both you and your friend have grown out of? There are ways to work letting go of that friend without cutting them out totally. Or maybe a friendship has turned where one of you is too needy on the other and it’s no longer healthy for either of you. This would be a great time with the new moon energy coming in to heal that friendship and send it on to the angles or universe to be healed so both parties can move on for their highest good.

Open the house up and let the air element flow in and sweep out all the stagnant energy from winter. Mayen this time of year is when you get out and reset the energy boundaries around your home so that unwanted energy cannot follow you into your home. It’s a great time to set your stones and crystals out all day in the sun and let them clear out all the energy they have been storing while in the house all winter. My deck is always filled with my collection of crystals that I use in my home and at expos when the sun is out. I kinda feel like I neglect them all winter even though I rotate them in and out of windows.

So this week I challenge you to think about what you want to “spring clean” out of your physical, emotional, or mental areas and let it all go with the new moon energy at its peak this Saturday. There is no right or wrong way to do any of this. Just ask that the guides or angels help you clear out whatever it is you no longer need and go with it. Remember better is coming in and it is okay to let go of old even if it feel scary. 

Have an amazing week! 

Blessings All,

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