Monday, April 27, 2015

Reiki ~ Universal Life Force Energy

Hi All,

Dates this week:

May 1st Friday is Beltane or May Day.

May 3rd Sunday is the full moon. Manifesting is in full force.

Saturday I was at an expo and met quite a few interesting people. My friend Kristin came along to help me out, she was awesome! It was kinda a strange day. So let’s go with that for this week and maybe pick up on some review things with energy and energy working for those of us that might be new finding their way here from the expo this weekend.

Reiki   (RayKey)   Universal Life Force Energy
Is a simple form of energy that was rediscovered in the 1800’s by Dr. Usui. Reiki is passed through an attunement from Master (teacher) to student. This energy attunement aligns the student’s chakras and readies the body to become a channel for Reiki energy. Over a few days to a few weeks after an attunement the student may feel changes in his or her body and become sensitive to objects in the environment. Sometimes psychic abilities become pronounced as the person’s energy is opened to channel Reiki.

During a Reiki session the practitioner channels Reiki energy from the universe down through his or her crown chakra through the upper chakras to their arms and out their hands. Now traditionally a practitioner will touch the client with hand positions to allow the energy to flow from the practitioner’s hands then into the client and then Reiki flows down through the client’s body and out the soles of the feet into mother earth. Reiki energy in the body goes to the places it needs to go to clear out any energy blocks. When you have an energy block in the body it can manifest into an illness, pain, discomfort, or stress. Reiki assists the body in balancing the energy within so that one can maintain wellness. It is very important to drink plenty of water after a session and never replace Reiki for your medical doctor’s  treatment. However, Reiki can help bring relief to some of the side effects that medication can cause. I’ve used Reiki with cancer patients to help reduce the sickness brought on by treatments. Reiki sessions can help with sleeping problems and is generally a great way to relieve stress.

I also use Reiki throughout my house. I have stones attuned to the energy placed around my home. I also will draw Reiki symbols within my home to enhance the energy of my house to help me calm down after work. lol.
There is no limit to what you can do in your home to your food or skin care products with Reiki.

Nemeton Energy System

Is a system similar to Reiki that I channeled from the Goddess Nemetona and my guides. It brings in the assistance of trees, stones, and nature energies from the Midwest of the US, to call on the energies to help you do everything that Reiki does. However, because you are using earth based energy it is more grounding and you will become more connected to Mother Earth.

The biggest changes I have noticed since rediscovering my abilities from childhood and practicing energy work techniques is my abilities have come back stronger than ever and I don’t even think about what I am doing now, I’m so in tune with the energy and guides it just happens. However, I am constantly learning new stuff with each person I meet and talk with and am always happy to listen and share stuff.

With that I leave you all for this week. Have an amazing week everyone!

Blessings All,

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