Sunday, March 18, 2018

Intuitive Angel Card Reading....What is it? Reiki What is it?

Hi All,
This is a Random blog because I am a bit upset with a few readings this weekend at the Hayward Expo and I want to put this out there because if I explain it maybe someone reading this can help me explain it better.

Now, I am not a Tarot Card reader and what I know of Tarot is general.  I know this, Tarot cards are shuffled by the client as the client tells the Tarot Reader what their question is or what they want out of the reading. It's a specific item.  Then the reader puts cards from the deck into a spread and then reads the cards based on if they are upright or reversed, and their relation to the other cards around them in the spread.  Now the reader may get information from the spirit guides or angels from the clients however again it is the clients job to make since of things.

With an Intuitive Angel Card reading I ask the the client to think of a question or an area they want guidance for.  Then I have them shuffle the cards as much or as little as the client wants.  Then I put them on the table and spread them in a line and let the client pick the cards.  I do not touch the cards until I start to read them.  When I read the cards I then get messages from the clients angels or spirit guides and pass them on to the client.  Now it is the clients job to make sense of the information because it is the clients life path.  It is not my job to make sense of information or judge information because it's not mine.  It's not my path it is the clients.  In this reading, order of cards or upside down or right side up doesn't matter.  Only the message on the card and then the deeper meaning of the card as I get information from the clients guides or angels.

For me the cards are just a tool for you to see what I am being told.  I could also give you the same information by holding your hand for a second to make a connection with your energy and then communicate with you angels and spirit guides.

Reiki Sessions
In a Reiki session I work with your body's energy to release energy blocks within the body that cause pain, stress, or emotional distress.  That is the simple version. 

The more complex is Reiki is the Universal Life Force Energy.  A practitioner channels this energy through their upper chakras through their hands and into the clients aura, body and through their chakras and then exits out of the clients root chakra into mother earth.  After a Reiki session, a client should drink plenty of water.

Thanks for reading my rant.  lol. 

Blessings All,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for explanation of ways to have a tarot card/angel card reading. I have had a tarot card reading over the phone where I couldn't even see the cards. So I never touched them and yet everything that was being said was confirmation of what was going on around me.
    We're visual people and we like to see some kind of confirmation of what the reader is pertaining to, so we like the use of cards, whether we touch them, shuffle them, lay them out or not even see them.
    I've also had Reiki sessions where the energy giver receives messages for me, not using any cards.
    It's all a preference to the person receiving the message from spirit.
