Monday, January 30, 2017

Reading for 2017 Detach from the Drama

Hi All,
This week I stumbled on the YouTube video of Doreen Virtue's reading for the year 2017.   Click here for the link her video.
For this year there was a lot about what is your truth or what feels right to you.  Detaching from all the drama and chaos.  Watch it.  Doreen brings in some good advice.

Dates this Week:

Thursday is Groundhog Day!  
Ah groundhog day.  The one day a year we let a rodent tell us how many weeks we will have left of winter.
If the groundhog sees his shadow 6 more weeks of winter. *Sigh*

Thursday is also Imbolc.  The day of Brigid.  The day we celebrate the return of light.  
Imbolc Blessings to you all!

Reading for the Week:
Creative Expression:  
Let go of all your expectations of how to express yourself and just do it.  What is it you like to do to express yourself?  Write, paint play music or dance?  Just do it!

Honoring Your True Feelings:
Do not discount what you know to be true in your heart.  This has come up twice in two different videos I was watching this weekend.  Basically what both people said was your body can tell what is untrue or true by the way it feels.  Use that knowledge to help you when you are wondering about an answer.

Family Harmony:
Forgiving your family for any wrongs or even making amends if you were the one who did the hurting.  By drawing this card your family is healing.

Inner Child:
Inner child here is a subject that books are written about.  Take time to honor and listen to your inner child for he or she can help you heal.  Your daily child needs attention so meditate and get in touch with your child.

Peace of Mind:
This card says to mediate or yoga with being kind to others and self care to help with peace of mind. So basically practice healthy living and you will have a peaceful mind.  This is really one of those you need to figure out for yourself.  Peace is what you make.

Looks like we have homework to do this week.  
Have an amazing week all.

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