Hi All,
Lots of stuff going on this week to talk about.
Tuesday the 30th our favorite time Mercury goes into retrograde. Happy Joy! What does this mean?
During this period of time anything that can go wrong with technology can. Mercury rules communications. It is not a great time to run out and buy a new computer or cellphone or what have you. Communication with people maybe off. People my misunderstand the point you are trying to make. Think about all the ways you communicate or express yourself. Mercury can also effect travel. This is usually the time when stuff happens and I tell a friend and then I'm informed that Mercury is in retro. It's like a Friday the 13th day only last for up to 3 weeks.
Thursday is the New Moon phase. What's that mean? Well it's time to close the door and walk away from things that are not working. Release everything in your life that needs to go because it is not serving your highest good. I will be using this time to self reflect. I am also kicking around the idea of working on the shadow self and understanding the dark areas of well me.
Friday is the beginning of the Celtic Tree Month of Vine.
This is a time of year for taking time to celebrate or enjoy the fruits of your labor. Which this time of year in old ways is what was going on. Think of it back in the days when we harvested our own food and we all in our own depended on our plot of land to feed us and give us our basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. This would be the time of year we would be celebrating the harvest we have done and the harvest we have yet to do. What is it a vine does? Within a vines life it grows upward through out the year and when it is ready it produces fruit that ripens. We ourselves grow throughout the year. I'm talking our self growth as we experience and learn what life gives us. Most of the spring and summer when it is warm we are pretty active. Fall can also be a active time but in the winter as the days are very short we turn inward. This is our time of year in which we look at what has come to pass, what we have learned and then really celebrate those experiences. You made it though experience you may have not thought possible.
So I encourage you to really look at the cycle a vine goes through and look back at this year and see what cycle you have gone through. Then celebrate it. :)
I really for today do not have a topic to talk about as I am home with my cat bugging me to pay attention to her as I've been gone all weekend. I am however, working on a plan of self evaluation. As everyone out there is busy with life I am also, teenage boys, work, boyfriend, his boys our time without boys and how to fit in just me time to balance my energy from all of it. I am sure there are many of you in the same boat. Your job takes up the majority of the day. If you are like me and you have a longer drive time than the entire day is your job. Then you come home to your house and or your house and children. I am reaching a point where I have gotten out of the habit of daily meditation and I am taking the steps to get back into it. I need some self time during the say and when I don't get it I feel cranky. I need to get back into some good Reiki or self energy habits of cutting cords more throughout the day, Clearing myself at night with a smudging session or white light session. I also need to as I said meditate more.
So I guess here is homework for us all. This week I want you to pick a time to find 5 minutes to meditate and write down your experience with it. I am also challenging you and myself to clear out our energy at least twice a day. That should be easy to do. Next week we will get more difficult. Let's keep it simple so we continue to build as we together make a change for the better.
Have an amazing week all.
Happy Labor Day next Monday. Oh well, I guess that means no Mystic Monday next week. So we will pick it up where we left off the Monday after.
Blessings All,
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