Hi All and Welcome Back!
I can’t believe it is fall already, well okay, not
officially yet. We are going to do things a little different and see how this
goes. Monday will be “Mystic Monday” as we talk about your energy, energy work
and metaphysical things. Thursday will be a second blog during the week talking
about Ghost Stories, ghosts and topics surrounding crossed over loved ones. So
if you have questions please email me and I will do my best to answer them on
the blog. Intuitivewendy@gmail.com
Also I am now at the Enchanted Boutique in White
Bear Lake, MN. I will post my schedule there as I have it on our Facebook page
and Twitter. I will also give dates here as I can. October 24th I
will be doing a book signing there. Friday September 25th I will be
at the shop doing energy work and readings. Call 651-600-3769 to schedule an
Dates this Week:
Mercury goes into retrograde on Thursday September 17th until October 9th. That means anything can go wrong with
electronics and communications. Happy Joy.
Meditation is the key to keeping your aura healthy
and your energy levels up. When you sit in meditation you can ask to see your
aura with your mind’s eye and repair it when needed.
and Grounding:
pretty easy. All you have to do is find a quiet place to sit. Light a candle
and play some instrumental music if you wish. Now, close your eyes and focus on
your breathing. Listen to the in and out of your breath. Feel your chest raise
and fall. As your breathing slows and you empty your mind you will feel relaxed.
When this happens it’s time to ground if you wish.
Once you are relaxed and centered, picture yourself
as a tree. Your arms become your branches stretching up to the sky. Your feet
become your roots digging into Mother Earth as far as you are tall. Imagine a
brilliant white light streaming down from the universe. This is the white light
of the Divine. Feel it enter your branches and flow down through your trunk and
exit out your roots flowing into mother earth. Do this as long as you wish.
If you feel a little light headed you can pull
mother earth energy up from the core of the earth, red in color, through your
roots letting the warm energy flow up your trunk ascending to your branches and
pouring out your leaves to the universe.
Now it’s time to look at your aura. We want to fix
any rips, tears or leaks in your energy field to keep you balanced and raise
your energy vibrations keeping lower energies from attaching. Now that you are
grounded and centered it’s time to look at your aura. In your mind’s eye see
yourself sitting and focus on the energy outlining your body. Do you see the
energy field around it? Look at it for
any leaks, rips, or anything that would make it weak. Then it’s time to get to
work fixing it.
So now as you picture your body with its aura
shining so you can see it. Look closely, do you see any weak spots? Do you see any tears or holes? When you mark all the spots that need fixing
it’s time to get to work on them. I usually work head to toe. Here’s the tricky
part. You need to see yourself channeling universal white light to your aura to
seal up the weak spots. Visualize the universal white light as you did in
grounding coming down from the universe entering your crown chakra and
traveling through your body lighting up all your chakras as it travels down to
your feet. Then draw the white light up and around your body forming a bubble
of light to encompass your aura repairing the weak spots one at a time. One
area at a time watch the white light heal the area and move to the next. When
your aura is looking smooth and radiant, seal your energy up with purple light
to keep your vibrations at a raised level.
Focus back on your breathing and feel yourself
coming back into your body slowly.
This will help you raise your vibrations which you
will need for protecting yourself from lower energy.
So practice and this will come in handy when we talk
about ghost investigations on Thursday.
Have a great week All!
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