Monday, March 16, 2015

Dates and a little ghost story

Hi All, 

We have a few dates to get out of the way which will also bring a little information as they are pretty interesting dates.

Tuesday March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day!  Ah the luck of the Irish is upon us all. We all know to wear green or you could be pinched. Some fun facts about this day. So we all know that St. Patrick was the saint that chased the snakes out of Ireland, or so the story goes. But did you know that St. Patrick was born in Britain and taken as a child to be a slave for 10 years. He escaped and became a monk who then went to Ireland to teach the people about Christianity. It is believed the chasing of the snakes is a symbol of his converting the Pagans to Christianity. St. Patrick used the shamrock to teach the trinity. People wore shamrocks on March 17th, the anniversary of his death. It later turned into wearing the color green. Blue was the original color associated with St. Patrick. And here is my Wisconsin tidbit:  New London, Wisconsin has a Shamrock Club and every year they change the highway sign so that the town name reads New Dublin. I think I need a road trip to check this out. Any reader out there from New London, who could post a picture of the name change in the comments?  LOL

Wednesday March 18th begins the Celtic Tree month of Alder. The month will end April 14th. Alder can help you come to terms with things you have been avoiding. Alder is believed to help one gain access to the faery realms. Do you have anxiety?  Alder can help you relax. During this month express your hopes and dreams. Forgive your angers of the past and be accepting of yourself and others. A mouth wash made from the leaves and bark will cure the mouth of ulcers. Alder oil relieves muscle stiffness.

Friday March 20th is Ostara or the Spring Equinox. It is also the new moon. Time to do your ritual for releasing the energy that no longer serves your highest good! 

Ostara/Spring Equinox the day of perfect balance. The day that marks the coming of the spring and fertility of the land. This is the day the sun god begins his journey across the sky. His power peaks in June during the Summer Solstice. This is the season for fertility and growth. 

Ostara was the German Goddess of Spring; on this day she was honored and traditionally given offerings of cakes, colored eggs, and the rabbit was a sign of the goddess. It was believed she could transform into a rabbit.

Friday enjoy equal night and day hours and honor that fertility and new beginnings of spring and the warmth to come our way.

This week not much to write about since it took a while to go over all of the dates. 

Here’s a short ghost story:  I was in downtown Minneapolis this weekend and had the opportunity to go into a beautiful little restaurant and café to get a mocha. The building has a history and is down by the grain belt building just off the river. While inside I was waiting for my mocha, I felt a child run past me and looked around for the little one. Then standing there taking in the decorations and such, I felt a man behind me and then a whisper in my ear. The friend I was with said the building dated back to the 20’s, maybe older. Well that explained it, the reason why I was being talked to. The person talking to me was somehow connected to the mob activities of the cities back in the day. I knew this from the vocabulary he used and the name “doll face”, that went back to the trip I had years ago on the mob tour through the Wabasha Street Caves in St. Paul. It was funny because my friend asked, “Well can’t you just turn it off?”  No I can’t, but I could shield from it all if I could just remember to do so when I go out. LOL. 

But then would it be so interesting when I go out?  

Have a great week all, keep practicing your meditation.

Blessings All,

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