Monday, January 19, 2015

A Course in Miracles

Hi All,

This last week for me has been an explosion of new information as I am reading through several books at the same time. It started with this nagging feeling of having to pick up Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love: Reflection's on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" again and then it grew as I remembered how deep the reading would be so I started Return to Love, as I said last week. Then that started the idea that I should listen to the Marianne’s workshop so over to "audible" I went and downloaded it for listening to in the car on my commute to my day job. With all that said we are going to discuss some of that, or bits and pieces of it all, so far. But first as always, let’s get some dates out of the way!

Tuesday is the New Moon. Get out your pen and paper and write out everything that isn’t working or for your highest good. If not then meditate on it for a few minutes. When I do a meditation to release all that is holding me back I see myself on a high cliff and a big moon in the sky. Then I peel off all the shadow, dark negative things and toss them up to the moon to release them. I keep this up until I can’t think or feel anything else left. Then I hold my hands up to the moon and give thanks for this amazing experience and healing of all this energy I just released to the moon.
Wednesday the Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins. Oh lovely, Mercury goes into retrograde until February 11th. That means watch out for things electrical going crazy. Here is an article from Llewellyn about retrograde.

Well with all that said let’s kick some ideas around or some of what I’ve been reading around and see if we can get some discussions going.

So the first thing that stands out in my mind that I came across this week from A Course in Miracles is where I think it was first said. “Love is to Fear what Light is to Darkness.”  When you do not like darkness, what do you do? You turn on a light and the dark goes away. So then if you fear something, you should look at it with love so that love can remove the fear like light does with darkness. Try it! I’m thinking that is going to be something that takes a while to work through.

Now this next thought is something that a friend of mine brought up to me as we are discussing and working through this energy shift that we as humans are going through. This goes back on what I was taught growing up Catholic, and what I’ve learned with communicating with the other side. The other side, Heaven—or whatever you may call it—is a place of joy, happiness and unconditional love. So if we as souls are supposed to have learning experiences to help our soul evolve, then how can we learn on the other side when we are surrounded by nothing but positive experiences? Therefore, to evolve ourselves we need to come back to places like Earth to help us have experiences to learn. It is here, or where ever we chose to learn, that we can have negative experiences that help us learn how to get past whatever it is we are working on. Thus we have many lifetimes repeating patterns until we’ve learned it successfully, or we have many lifetimes here to experience and learn different things because what we learned may not have taken as long. We also use these opportunities to balance out our karma with people. Because again if the other side is all positive and full of unconditional love, how then do we learn and balance? Now I am just presenting these things for you to think about. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m just presenting ideas and hoping you will pick one up and think about it.

With that all said, I did pick up a copy of A Course in Miracles and I will this year try to read through it because there has to be something in there the guides want me to know. I believe this is the year that I will be working harder on seeing things in a different way, and it doesn’t mean I will be a pushover in situations, but I will be looking at things and reacting in situations I hope with a little more patience and understanding, instead of reacting with strong emotions. I hope that’s what I’m supposed to be getting out of all this stuff I’m being guided to read and talk about with like-minds.

Do not forget to be one of the first 20 people to follow Mystic Monday's new blog page for a chance to win a FREE Angel card reading with yours truly. Winner will be drawn on Monday February 9th, 2015…good luck!

Until next week ~ Blessings All,

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