Sunday, January 28, 2018

Full, Super, Blue, Blood Moon all in one on Tuesday

Hi All,
So the Moon is pulling some pretty strange energies in.  Here are some links to explain what is going on with the full moon this week.

This weekend I was at the Dancing Dragonfly Winery for their first Intuitive Expo.  I met so many great people.
There is one thing that really struck me as something I need to address.  Reiki Masters.  When you pick a Reiki Master to work with no only should you feel comfortable with the person but they need to know what they are talking about and teaching.  Now I get new Reiki Masters need to start some where but as a student read as much as you can about Reiki and ask questions. 

This weekend I met a woman that was attuned to level lll.  Which OK some Masters break down Reiki to three levels and then a Master level but I just feel it's not needed. Level l to get you introduced to the energy and Level ll to be a practitioner and Master to teach is all you need. Keep it simple.

So anyway, I asked this woman while working on her if she cleared herself on a regular basis and if she cut her cords.  She said she had no idea what I was talking about.  I was like what?  this is stuff I teach level l so that people really know their energy and stay healthy and balanced.  I did teach her at the end of her session what she needed to know to clear and cut cords.

Ask questions and read up on what you are asking to be taught. I don't like to teach big groups.  I like small groups of 4 or less or a one on one.  I do this so that everyone has time to practice and experiment with energy and to ask as many questions as they want.  If I don't have answers to questions I will research to find answers.  I also tell my students that I will always answer an email if they have future questions.

So OK this blog became a bit of a soap box for me.  But I want people to know what they are doing when working energy work and Reiki.

Have a great week.  Shield yourself from energy this week as the Moon will bring out some strange things.
Blessings All,

Monday, January 22, 2018


Hi All,
Another short blog today just to tell you what is up and going on.
I am working on an office in Hudson and one in New Richmond.  I hope to have all that space sorted out by February.

This Saturday I will be at the Dancing Dragonfly Winery in St. Croix Falls, WI.  I am waiting for them to email me the details so I will post here when I have those and on facebook.

February I am running a discount on readings as I am having a ribbon cutting with the New Richmond chamber of commerce on Feb 9th.  So It's BOGO!  in FEB!!  Buy a Reading get one, buy a Reiki Session get one.  Sorry no Past Life Sessions for this!  Only Readings and Reiki.

March I have a few events coming up. 
March 17th I am at the Body Lab USA Expo in Hayward.  I will be offering mini services and speaking about Ghost Investigations.

March 24th I will be at an expo in Monticello, MN Reiki and Readings.


April 14th I am in Superior with Body Lab USA doing Reiki and Readings, with Speaking on Paranormal Investigations.

April 28th I am at 29 Pines in Eau Claire, WI for the Spring Expo. 

I will be posting more information so watch here and on the Mystic Monday Facebook page.

Blessings All,

Monday, January 15, 2018


Hi All,
We are talking about bettering ourselves for the new year and today the topic is Affirmations.

An affirmation is a positive statement that will help to create a positive change in your life. 

Say you want to lose weight.  Instead of telling yourself "I need to lose 10 pounds", try "My body is a fat burning machine."  Or "It is a safe time for my fat cells to release fat that is stored and no longer serves my body."  If you are trying to bring in more of something you can say " I am surrounded by the abundance of the universe which supplies me with ..." 

Another way to make affirmations more powerful is to hook them with I am grateful for (state what you are grateful for). 

Have you created your vision board yet?  As you look at it every morning, say an affirmation that goes with each picture you have on it.  This will help you match the vibration of what it is you would like to manifest into your life.

Another short blog but something just to get your creative juices flowing to bring more positive into your life and to help you heal and move forward.

Anything that no longer serves you, let it go.  The past is past and you can't fix it, so bless the lessons you learned from it, forgive and move forward.

I am setting up new space in Hudson, WI and will be taking appointments soon.  I am at the Dancing Dragonfly winery in two weekends.  As soon as I hear from them details, I will pass them on.

Blessings All,

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Hi All,
I had a good question come in and wanted to share it.\
How do you protect yourself from a family member's negative energy or a friend's negative energy that is directed towards you?
Well there are a few things you can do.  You can protect yourself in general.

 Put up a bubble of white light around yourself to deflect any negative energy from the person.  If you can give the bubble the intent to protect you using the name of the person even better.  Going off this you can also visualize a circle of mirrors around yourself, reflective side out to bounce back the energy to the person that is sending it.

If random thoughts or feelings of the person come at you through out the day, you can create a bubble of white light put the person inside it and then release it the person to the angels asking the angels to heal the person for their highest good.

Wear protective stones with the intent that they protect you from so and so's energy.
Cut your energy cords frequently during the day.

Self Reflect on this.  Mediate.  Why do you believe the person is sending negative energy your way?  Are you fighting?  Can you mend the relationship?  What can you change in yourself to change how the person feels about you?
Some believe when we have negative feelings towards someone it is because they reflect back to us something we do not like in ourselves so that needs to be looked at.'

These are just a few things you can do.
Please feel free to share or comment on Mystic Monday's Facebook page or post comments here. 
How are the vision boards coming?  Mine is coming together.  Now I need to print photos and put it where I will see it every day.  I am using poster board.

Have a great week.
Blessings All,

Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year and New You

Hi All,
Happy New Year! 

Let's go over some dates and then get right into a short blog.  Please start to follow the Mystic Monday Facebook page as I do post little things here and there. 

Jan. Dates:
This week is pretty calm.
The 15th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The 16th is the New Moon.
The 21st Celtic Tree month of Rowan begins.

How many of you made New Years Resolutions?  Notice any more traffic at the gym?  We all use a new year to strive to do better or be better but what makes it stick?  What makes us give up?

This is the year to take control of whatever it is you need to.  For some of us it's goals in career, or our personal goals for fitness, or love whatever it is this is the year!  So how to stick to it.
Manifest it.  Stay with me we are going to apply some pretty simple things but it does require homework and about 5 minutes a day.

First, focus on a goal.  What is it you would like to do this year? 
Next is homework.  Go out and get supplies or maybe do it on the computer and print it out but make a vision board.  Yes, I know it sounds hoky but do it.  Put on your tag board, or cork board or print out everything you wish to accomplish this year.  If it is a trimmer body then find a fitness picture you like and stick it up there.  The house you dream of, put it up there.  A full calendar of clients, yep, put it up there.

Now here is the catch, every day spend 5 minutes with the board.  See yourself as you look reaching your fitness goal, see the house you are walking into and imagine the inside of it.  What does it look like, the floor space?  New job?  What do you do in your day?  What does your new career look like?  See it.  Maybe in the morning you take 5 with your morning cup of coffee and look at it and daydream about it. 
Focus on the feelings you get when you are thinking about your goals.  Then ask the universe to help you get there.  How does it get better then this?  How do I get to that? 
That is the homework.

Keep your energy clear.  Start meditation or prayer.  Clear yourself daily.  Cut your energy cords. 

Again today's blog short and simple but we are going to keep going with self improvement and goals this year.  So get that board done.  I'll do mine.  Feel free to post photos of your boards.  The more people you talk to and share your dreams with the more you will attract the energy to you to match your dreams.  Think about what you'd like, slap up the photo, spend time with it daydreaming about it.  See yourself as you already have it. 

Good Luck.  More next Week.

I am looking into office space.  I will make an announcement as that happens.  I have also joined the New Richmond Chamber of Commerce.  I am happy to be working with them and I am excited to see where things lead this year.

Blessings All,