Monday, October 30, 2017

Welcome Back! And our topic is Death.....

Hi All,

Welcome Back!  This weekend's events inspired me to write a return.  Also just to put this out there if you have topics or subjects you'd like discussed please email me as I am not only back to writing here I will be writing a new series of books with topics that vary on the subject of Energy Work, Reiki and perhaps some tools used such as Crystals and how to use them.

Sunday was the first day of Reed in the Celtic Tree Calendar.

Halloween is Tuesday!  The death of the old year and start of the new.  As you all know on this day the veil drops and spirits can come through a lot easier than on a normal day of the year.  Be warned weird things can happen on Halloween.  This would be a great time to prepare a small ritual of honoring those who have passed and putting to rest any old, stale energy that no longer serves you.

Today's topic is brought on by having had to attend a funeral of a distant cousin, one whom I didn't know, who this past week was tragically taken from her family way to early… or was she?  Now with that opening statement don't get angry just breathe and read on.

In 2002 my life changed when I was introduced to Reiki.  My childhood abilities started to return and I have spent years reading, studying and practicing to regain them.  What does this have to do with our topic?  Tons.  Since then I have stopped looking at death the way "normal" people do.  I still see the tragic, the aging, the whatever reason it is that causes a person to die.  However, I also question it, look at it as a beginning and not an ending, and for me it's a shift in reality.

What the hell is she talking about?  Well let me explain.  I have been communicating with crossed over loved ones and ghost-souls that have not crossed over and are stuck here for one reason or another.  Here is what I have learned over the years and what I have recently learned through a reading I did a few weeks ago.

A few years ago I did a blog on death and what it was like for suicides as I had thought and read about, as described by other mediums.  A few weeks ago I did a very public reading for a client whose crossed over loved one was a “suicide” when he was alive on this side.   The crossed over loved one stated that he had done what he had done because it was written in his chart as a way out.  See, we can write ourselves many death points in a life chart and chose at that time to take or not take it.  Ever have a close call car crash?  How about an out of body experience or any other near death?  He had written in his life chart a very difficult life and chose this point to exit.  However, the good in his exit was this.  His untimely exit was a lesson for his crossed over loved one's soul.  Now I can't make all of this story public, but I can say that at this point it was a turning point and learning experience of the client as the event was made in their contracts to help her soul evolve.

So my opinion of suicide has changed greatly. I use to think that a suicide soul would be wrapped in love, taken by their guides to review their life and then get sent back ASAP to repeat the lesson they were supposed to learn but took an out instead. I still believe this can happen for some.  I also believe that some cross over and choose to stay there and live a happy life on the other side until we are all reunited again.

A few years back a college friend of mine was murdered.  I was angry, I went through all the “what if's”.  Then I read a book about the other side, I believe it was written by Sylvia Brown, who I take with a grain of salt but what she had said made sense to me.  In the book it stated something like, souls who are murdered choose this death because they are highly evolved souls and are choosing this to teach a great lesson for the souls they contracted with in this life time.  Through this violent death, the souls of the group they incarnated with will then be helped more rapidly to reach the next level of evolving and becoming closer to The Source.  (God, Goddess, whoever you believe in)

For me this gives comfort in this choice made in the out the person chose.  It is also a way to help the person's soul who did the unthinkable act.  So for the family that reads this, I offer this comfort.  I also know that you will be one day see her when you cross over.  She will be there to greet you and help you do what it is you need to when the time comes. 

Now I can get into an entire book about what about this death or that death....Bottom line is this.  Death is not an ending but a shift in location.  One is no longer physically present in our world but they are here when you need them.
So talk to them, call on them and then the trick is to quiet your mind so you can hear them or be open minded enough to recognize a sign they could put in your way so you know they are listening.

Have an amazing week all.  Happy Halloween and a blessed Spiritual New Year!

Blessings All,