Monday, December 28, 2015

Hi All,
New Years Blessings to you all.
Mystic Monday and Thriller Thursday will be back next week after the holidays.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Yule Blessings! Merry Christmas!

Mystic Monday 
Winter Solstice Edition 

Yule Blessings All!
Merry Christmas!

Today I have a few things to talk about around the celebrations that are happening this week.

Today is Winter Solstice/Yule a time for celebrating the return of the Sun.  The days will start to get a little longer now until Summer Solstice when they start getting shorter again.
On this day the Goddess is blessed with the birth of the Sun God, bringing light back into the darkest time of the year.

Traditionally this is a time of great merrymaking.  Celebrations with bonfires and singing were the customs.  The Yule log was one of them and is still an important symbol.  Yule logs were often brought in the house to burn for many hours but never allowed to burn out naturally as it was thought to be bad luck.  It was also bad luck to purchase a Yule log.  The log was often decorated before put in the fireplace with a part of last year's log.  The Yule log was thought to bring good luck and health to the family.  There are many traditions that go along with Yule and some that tie into Christmas I could write for days just on those.  I encourage you to look into them as they are very interesting.

Today I encourage you to give your thanks and count your blessings in your life and let go of all the things you think you want or ask for because you think you need them.    Enjoy what is in your life and be thankful for those things.


This Christmas is the first full moon Christmas since 1977.  Chistmas is the time of year that has been way blown out of meaning by the retail people.  I could go there and stay on that soap box forever.  But let me just say this:  Enjoy your family and the peace of the day.  No worrying and no stressing.  Keep the day simple and as positive as you can.  This is the birthday of the Lord.  Many blessings to you and your family.

Ok with that said let's get to the full moon.  Powerful night.  Full moon and the timing of the birth of God.  With the light of the world returning it is time to manifest new doors opening and fullfilling projects.  I know it is Christmas but remember to do your ritual you will not be disappointed.

Mystic Monday and Thriller Thursday will return shortly after the New Year!
Holiday Blessings All,

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Ghost of Christmas

Thriller Thursday
December 17, 2015

Hi All,
Before we get into the blog today I'd like to just throw some dates out there as to when I am at the Enchanted Boutique in White Bear Lake, MN next.  

I wll be teaching a  Crystals and Healings class January 13th the cost is 26 dollars.  We will be discussing how to choose crystals to help enhance your healing sessions as well as how to clear and program your crystals.  

January 29th I will be teaching a Past Lives class where we will discuss patterns and problems you are facing and how they could be lessons repeating from past lives.  We will also discuss how pain in this life could be related to past life trauma.  If there is time we will go through a meditation to help you connect to a past life.  Please call 651-600-3769 to reserve your spot.

The third Sunday of every month there is a meet up group at my house.  If you are interested in the next session or where to go please email me at

OK let's get to it.
I looked all over the Internet for a good Christmas haunt but came up short.
So we are going to talk A Christmas Carol or my favorite variation of it Scrooged. 

My favorite and then she hits him with a toaster....
Anyway, we all know the story Scrooge is a money hoarder and is visited by three ghost on Christmas to get his life straightened out.  Christmas Past, Present and Future.  He is shown by his ghosts how he much change his ways in order to avoid the fate of his business partner (who is in some form of Hell).

This week on Mystic Monday we touched on how the veil thins between the world and your loved ones can cross over to our world and communicate much easier.  Well this is pretty much where I'm going and instead of a haunt this week I'm taking it to the direction of picking up Mystic Monday and reflecting on this time of year.  I promise we will get back to ghost stories after the new year but please hear me out.

The Christmas season is a time of year for not only Christians but many other faiths that celebrate the coming of the Lord or Light into the world.  It's a time for family.  Christmas also brings about the end of the year and things to look back on and looking to the future.

The Ghost of Christmas Past teaches how we once were, what our goals in life were at one time and our dreams amongst other things.

The Ghost of Christmas Present teaches us to look at who we are in this moment.  What we are really like and what we are putting out in our world.  

The Ghost of Christmas Future shows us out hopes and dreams from this point forward and whether or not they match the dreams and goals we had when we looked through the eyes of Christmas Past.  
I believe this Ghost also shows us what we can do to change and be OK with letting some stuff go.

So this Christmas my wish for us all is to find our Christmas ghost and to learn from them so we can move forward happy, healthy and blessed and to avoid the Hells we may face or have overcome to not repeat them again.

Merry Christmas!  Happy Yule!  
I wish you all the very best Holiday Season and will be back after the New Year.
Blessings All,

Monday, December 14, 2015

Decemeber is that Time of Year.....

Mystic Monday
December 14, 2015

Hi All,

This week there is nothing special in the date book to share.

I thought we'd discuss some different things this week and share a little story that relates to this time of year.

It was around this time a few years back I was attuned to Reiki level l.  When I was attuned my abilities started to open up.  At this time of year I wasn't sure that meant.  When my Reiki Master was doing a session on me a crossed over loved one came through and gave me a message.  After I went home for days after I could feel my friend in my home.  Our song came on frequently which was strange since it was 2002 and our song was one from the early 1990's and didn't get much play time at all.  Then I started getting information about his death when I was in a meditative state.  After a few weeks of this and lots of questions on my end.  I had to do a meditation that involved us and me letting him go so I could fully heal and grieve from his death which I hadn't been able to let myself do.  He is now one who pops in and out regularly mostly when I need to pick a guy brain just like when he was alive.

So why did I share this.  Well, December is the month of Yule and Winter Solstice  which means thinning veil just like at Halloween.  During this month though the veil thins for more time than the 24 hours of Halloween.  I have tried to research this but I've come up with a variety of times that the veil actually stays open.  Some say between fall and winter solstice.  Some say a 24 hour thing at winter solstice.  I feel that the veil is thin from Winter Solstice to what is 12th night.  Next week we will be focusing on Winter Solstice. Traditionally, festivals of Christmas, Yule  and such started after Halloween and lasted through to January 6th.  The significance is 12th night is believed to be the day that the three wise men visited the baby Jesus,   In Wiccan traditions Yule and Winter Solstice marked the rebirth of the Sun God and celebrations that lasted 12 days.  It is my personal belief that the veil thins between these times because of all the energy that is created between all the cultures of the world celebrating the birth of a God at the same time.  This is similar to Halloween when all the cultures celebrate a night of the dead.  

My advise for December is if you want to talk to a crossed over loved one, just ask and than keep your eyes open for the signs they leave.  If there is someone you miss then hold the intent to make contact with them.  Don't be afraid to ask them questions to verify who they are as they will expect it and not mind.  It's all about keeping yourself safe in the process.  Be sure you are not inviting just anything into your home.  Be specific and keep your intent pure and ask that you stay protected yet open enough to communicate.  If you go around your house talking to whoever it is you want to contact they will answer you just have to figure out the signs if they can't directly communicate with you.  
We will pick some of this up again next week with our talk of solstice and the holidays.

Have an amazing week all,
Blessings All,

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Flu

Thriller Thursday
December 10, 2015

Hi All,
I am sorry that I can not post this week as I am sick with I think the stomache flu or some form of it I just can't seem to shake.  Please check back next week as I will put together some December ghost stories.
Blessings All,

Monday, December 7, 2015

Moon Phases

Mystic Monday
December 7, 2015

Hi All,

The new moon is on Friday this week.  So Thursday the dark moon it's time to let it all go.  Anything that is not serving your highest good let it go.  Jaunuary 13, 2016 I will be at the Enchanted Boutique teaching a class on Stones and their energy.  Call 651-600-3769 to get more information and reserve your seat.  Space is limited.

This week I figured we would talk about moon phases and how to use them in your energy work.  I am always confused by what to do and when with the moon so I use the book "in the shadow of 13 moons" by Kimberly Sherman-Cook as my go to reference for the phases.
I really need to start working the meditations in this book and embracing my shadow self so I can completely heal.  Maybe that will be something to do from this week on.

Ok so let's review the phases of the moon and try to keep then straight in our heads. 

The Full Moon

I am going to start here because this is the moon we are all most familiar with.  The full moon is the high night of manifesting.   This is the power night of the moon that is the best night for raising your vibrations to match the vibrations of what it is you wish to bring into your life.  The full moon is also the start of the waning phase.  

Waning Phase 
This starts the night after the full moon and continues for the next 14 nights.  During this time the moon physically starts to get smaller every night.  These nights assist in removing, banishing and letting it go.  So during this time you want to spend a few minutes each day focusing on what you would like removed from or ended in your life.

Dark Moon
This moon is often confused with the new moon.  On this night the moon is completely dark in the sky.  This is a powerful night in its own right.  This is the time for banishing and closing doors for good.  Use this poser night to do a ritual for removing block, banishing things and closing doors on that which is no longer serving your higher self.  The dark moon is also the start of the waxing phase.

New Moon
This is the moon the day after the dark moon.  It is the night when the moon is a tiny little sliver of light in the sky.  This is the first night to begin maifesting or focusing on what it is you would like to bring into your life. Goals, dreams, etc.

Waxing Phase
These are the nights the moon begins to grow a little bigger and brighter every night.  The waxing phase of the moon is the time to build energy and focus on what it is you would like in your life.  So every day use a little time to focus on what it is you goals are for this new time.

So those are the phases in general and in a nut shell.  
Christmas is coming soon and we will discuss the energy that it brings with it.  So until next week let everything and anything that isn't for your highest good go.  Let it Go!  (and now who is singing that song?)

Blessings All,

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thriller Thursday The Photos That Started It All.

Thriller Thursday
December 3, 2015

Hi All,
Happy Thursday!
This Saturday I will be at the Enchanted Boutique from 10am to whenever.  I will be doing Angel card readings and Past Life Regressions.  Call 651-600-3769 to make an appointment.

Over the past few weeks I've been sharing ghost stories from my investigations and linking them to why a ghost might stick around instead of crossing over into the light.

Well I thought this week I'd share how it all started. Years ago when I was just getting back into doing energy work and learning what my abilities were and rediscovering what it was I was doing as a child, a friend called and wanted to go out to some of the area rumored haunted places in the Stevens Point, WI area to see what I could pick up.

We got in the car and drove out to a few places armed with our map and a camera.  We would get out of the car and I would see if I could pick up on anything and my friend would take pictures.  Now then I had no idea what I was doing.  I just knew that for some reason I could feel if there was a ghost around and in some cases communicate.  I also knew that a ghost needed energy to be able to communicate so I would randomly channel Reiki energy to an area to see what we could get on camera.

The last stop of the day was what is known as the Bloody Bride Bridge on highway 66 outside of Stevens Point going east.  The story goes a bride was killed in a crash over the bridge on her way to her wedding.  If you drive over the bridge at midnight or after you have a chance at seeing her standing on the side of the road or even appearing in the backseat of your car.

We parked at Jordan park I believe and walked across the highway and down toward the trails that went along the water.  I started to pick up some things when we got to the trails.  My hands started to feel like they had pins and needles and as we walked I kept feeling like someone was following us.  We hung out near the water a bit and I took some pictures of the bridge. As we walked back we just by change found a stone bench.  So I said let's just try something.  I sat down and started by rubbing my hands together and scanning the area around me with the palms of my hands facing the area that I wanted to pick up on any energy.  Now when there is nothing around or an energy block I feel nothing, my hands are just normal.  When there is an energy block or something around my hands start to tingle or have the pins and needle sensation. Well that happened as I was sitting on the bench.  I asked my friend to start taking pictures.  I started to channel some Reiki to the area next to me on on the bench.  As I did I could feel someone sitting there.  It was like I was scanning the aura of a client I was working on.  This again was all new to me.  So we took a few pictures and then we left.

Later that night while at another friends we started to review the pictures.  I was telling stories of what the pictures were and when we got to the last three of the bench we couldn't believe our eyes.  Now I will say this about the pictures:  1. Bad bad hair, it was in a ponytail all day.  2. I was channeling Reiki to the side so you see me getting ready to channel by breathing in and drawing my hands up and then pushing energy to the side.  3.  I will only say you should see the outline of someone sitting there,  I do now yet want to tell you what I think it is.  I'd like you to look at the photos and figure it out and believe what you want.

Ok here I am feeling energy and pushing Reiki to the right side of the picture.

Here I am getting ready to channel Reiki.  Again the activity is to the right of me between me and the tree trunk.

Here it is starting to fade out.  But still hanging around a bit.

Ok you've studied the photos and made up your mind what it is or maybe you say whatever there isn't anything at all and this Wendy person is all kinds of crazy, which is all good.

Here is what I see and the two others at the photo review saw.  If you look next to me on the right of the picture on the bench by me, I see an outline of a woman with a dress.  The top of the dress has a short cape or is bigger as it flows out to her arms and the bottom of the dress is more straight cut.  She is not big.  She's about my size if not a little smaller which would put her at about a size 0 or 2.  But also remember people married young back in the day, so I'm about late 30's in this picture and a size 4.

Now why is this the picture that started it all?  Well I posted this to facebook and in a day or so it made it to a circle of friends of one of the people I had reviewed this photos with that day.  A paranormal investigator from Stevens Point messaged me and wanted to go out to the bench as soon as the weather would allow.  He then wanted to meet and we ended up working together doing some paranormal investigations with his team in Stevens Point.  So this photo really was the one that sparked my paranormal investigation education and going out with a professional group.

That's all for today.  I hope this got you thinking a little and maybe believing in ghost if you don't already.
Have an amazing rest of the week.
Blessings All,