Monday, June 29, 2015

The Nitty Gritty

Hi All,

Let’s knock out dates and then get moving onto what is going on.

Wednesday is the Full moon so do your full moon ritual for manifesting!

Happy Fourth of July.  Hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

Okay the nitty gritty:

I have been blogging about England the last few weeks.  I have thought about this and kicked this around with Savannah, and we are going to take the rest of the summer off.  The blog will be back in September with a lineup of guest bloggers and new subjects!

I will post on the Mystic Monday Facebook Page updates on what is going on for power dates.  Go to Facebook and like the Mystic Monday page to keep up with questions and post or share ideas!

I am giving away free copies of Mystic Monday the Book for people who will write reviews.  There will be another free weekend of downloads in August.

In the fall if you live in Western Wisconsin I am starting up a Nemeton Energy System Group of like minds to practice and use healing energy once a month.  Let me know if you are interested.

Have an amazing summer and see you back in September!

Blessings All,

Monday, June 22, 2015

Chalice Wells

Hi All,

Well yesterday was an amazing day!  Summer Solstice.  How did you celebrate?

So I was set to do a blog about the Glastonbury Abby but I’ve changed my mind and in the spirit of Summer Solstice let’s talk gardens and the Chalice Wells.

If you ever go to Glastonbury, I recommend a book called The Isle of Avalon Sacred Mysteries of Arthur and Glastonbury by Nicholas R Mann.  There is so much background in this book it’s awesome to know the histories and stories behind some of the sites.

The Chalice Wells are home to both the Red and the White Springs.  Both are said to have healing properties.  It is a very popular holy site in Britian.  The springs have stories dating back to Joseph of Arimathea bringing the body of Christ over for burial and the cup of the last supper.

The white spring is located at the bottom of Chalice Hill.  The red is located in the gardens.  

My day of being introduced to the gardens started off with a walkway of flowers that lead to the entry way.  Here you paid a small fee to get in and you could buy bottles for the spring water if you wanted to take it home.  I figured I had to be on a plane so I didn’t take any with me.

I am going to let my photos speak for themselves and let you walk as I did through the garden.  I cannot say how amazing the earth energy was here in the garden and I paid more attention to the energy then I did the history of the springs or the springs themselves.  I found a small grove to sit in.  There was a bench with ivy which I connected to ivy pretty heavily while there so it became my favorite place.  While at the garden’s I was introduced to a high priestess, she and I became pretty fast friends.  The funny thing is I ended up running into her at the Wonky Broomstick while shopping with Rob.  We all ended up laughing and telling stories there so loudly that people in the ally were stopping to look in at us.  You can find the wonky broomstick online at  lovely ladies there. 

I wanted to mention that I am starting a Nemeton group in the fall.  I have limited spaces so if you are interested please email me at  My goal with this group would be for like minds to get together and practice the healing energy with this system and see where it goes.

Ok on with the pictures.  See if you can connect to any of the energies in the photos by calling on them.  

Have an amazing week!

Blessings All,

Monday, June 15, 2015

Glastonbury & The Tor

Hi All,

Let’s get dates out of the way and start talking Glastonbury and finding ones power and power places in the Earth. I hope I can do justice with history bits and pieces. I hope you enjoy the stories and the pictures.

Tuesday is the New Moon so cut those cords and ties! Burn the list of the things that are weighing on your energy and draining you and move forward. I will be : )


Glastonbury is a very interesting history filled place. The Glastonbury Thorn, The Tor, Glastonbury Abby, The Chalice Wells and the list can go on and on. My adventure even has a meeting with a High Priestess who became a fast friend and I can’t speak highly of her enough. 

Where to begin? I guess we’ll begin with town and work our way to the Tor. Glastonbury is amazing! The energy of the place is of awesome peace and calmness. We stayed at Moonstone Cottage, which was walking distance to everything. Across the street they were working on the grounds of Glastonbury Abby stables. I didn’t get a look at the inside of the building, but the outside was amazing enough for a barn. The town buildings are full of history, which we will get to as the blog continues at a later date. Walking the shops is an experience everyone should have. All the shop keepers are friendly and helpful. Be careful though because you could learn some history as you shop. Most of the stores are what we would call new age or Wicca. Crystal shops, jewelry shops, candles, supplies, bookstores and incense. I was a kid in a candy store every time I walked in a new shop. I will say the places where we went to have tea, there is one across from the Abby that has amazing hot chocolate with whip cream piled high and a stick of chocolate. Yum! Next to it a pastie shop. My inner Yooper child was loving it all. 

The Tor

The Tor you can’t miss when you come into Glastonbury. It is believed to be the Island of Avalon. Once in its long history it was the sight of the Monastery of St. Michael. The monastery was built somewhere around the 700’s or earlier and lasted until Henry the VII went through England and basically ripped down all the churches and lands loyal to the Holy Roman Church and the Pope. There are stories and legends associating it with King Arthur. St. Michael’s Tower is still standing on the Tor. Now from what I was told there is a zodiac around the Tor that you can see from up top. The roads and landscape make out all 12 signs. There is also in the distance of the land layout the goddess with the Tor being her heart chakra. It has also been said this is a fairy hill. A place where you can connect with the fairy world and earth energies. Well there was an abundance of rabbits around and sheep do graze along the hill as well. There were only rabbits the one night we went up. 

Rob and I started our walk up the Tor early in the morning. We walked up one side and down the other. At the tower the view was amazing. We could watch clouds roll in and out and almost got caught in a storm. The energy up on top wasn’t what I was expecting as the place felt pretty normal. So here is where I stop talking and let the pictures tell the story. 

Until next week and more about Glastonbury, have an amazing week!

Blessings All,

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wells Cathedral

Hi All,

Thanks for catching Mystic Monday on a Tuesday! I’m sorry I had to hold it back a day but I was out of town and just could not get it written in time.

So let’s get started with dates to remember:

June 10thWednesday the Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins. Oak energy is amazing as it will help provide you strength to get through anything you are facing. Call on oak to help hold you up.

June 14th  ~ is Flag day. So Sunday fly Old Glory with American Pride.
Today we are going to go to the end of my trip but then next week come back to the middle. Why?  Well there was so much going on in the middle that I want to do justice to it and make sure I get it all straight just in case one day you may want to visit yourself.

Wells Cathedral 

This beautiful cathedral is located in Wells, Somerset. It is the seat of the Bishop of Bath and Wells. This amazing place dates back to the 1100’s. Now I did not get to visit the Bishop’s places so that will be another visit. 

My friend Rob and I joined a small tour group. There was one other couple with us and some more joined in as we walked through, but the group never grew any bigger than maybe 6. I can’t tell you too much background of the place because the minute we sat in our small wooden chairs I got hit with spirit energy. We were in the very beginning of the church. To my right side and standing by a pillar I could see a peasant man come into view. Well, because we were with other people I ignored him. He then tried to get my attention by making the air shimmer where he was and I couldn’t help but look and see a middle aged man. He had his head and body covered with a cloak of brown but it was worn out. There were some frays and holes stitched up in it. He was hunched over a cane and his nose was large like W.C. Fields. I turned back to the group and started to listen to what the lady was telling us about the area where we were sitting when a wave of nausea came over me and I felt so sick I thought I’d lose it right there. I turned to Rob and he said “you okay?”  “No”, was my quick reply. I felt sick and tried hard to just breathe through it. Finally I looked at him and said, “I need to get up and walk. You can stay here.” 

So I got up and excused myself from our small group. Walking over to my left and to a different pillar I walked around it so the group couldn’t see me. But I could hear the lady ask Rob if I was okay. So I stayed behind the pillar for a bit and the man came over to me. I asked him if he knew he was supposed to be crossed over into the light and he said “yes” but he was afraid of the way he looked and didn’t want to cross. I said well that’s okay but you know on the other-side you are surrounded by love and you become healthy again, plus you get to be reunited with all your loved ones. I looked at him and said, “I’ m going to ask that an angel appear and talk with you and then if you want you can go with the angel.” Well, he was hesitant with that but I asked and I could see a ray of sunlight enter the area where we were standing. And then the sick feeling lifted and he was gone. I could feel a peace come over the area where I was. So now I have to go back to the group. 

I slowly and quietly made my way back to my seat and sat down. Rob leaned over and asked if I was okay now and I said yes. The guide then asked if I was okay. “Yes” I told her “I’m fine now thanks.” I didn’t know Rob had told her anything but that I was not feeling well. We then walked through the cathedral. Every time I walked away from the group to get pictures the lady would ask me if I was okay. “Yes” was always my response followed by “thanks”. I didn’t notice the way people started to look at me every time she asked but looking back everyone got quiet when she asked and looked at me. When she excused the group for a prayer Rob and I met up with our other friends. 

Vicky wanted me to take a look in a booth for families to sit in. She felt a presence there of a woman who had lost her child in medieval times. I stepped into the area and sure enough there was a woman in a dark skirt and shirt. She had a scarf on her head. She was lying in a ball on the floor crying. She was mourning her husband, son, and baby. Her village had been attacked and all were killed but her. The men came in and killed all the fighting men, then took only the boys and slaughtered them before their mothers. I walked around and around a circle as I saw everything she was saying unfold. I then kneeled down to her and said, “There should be a light, can you see it?” She nodded. I said, “Your husband and boys should be stepping out any second now… do you see them?” Her face lit up and she stood up and left. Again I felt a peace and calmness to the air around us. I looked at Vicky and she nodded at me that the woman was gone.

When we went to leave I finally asked Rob what he had told the tour guide lady. He said, “I told her you were psychic and there was a ghost that wanted your attention real bad because he had to speak with you.”  I said, “Gee thanks. When you smell burning as you leave, no worries it will be me at a stake out front.”  We’re in a church. Hello. He was like, “Well what should I have told her?”  We just laughed.

Well there is another ghost encounter from England. More next week!

Until then have a great week.
